Family and Friends Forum

Ongoing media coverage

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Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Mon August 2, 2021 12:46amReport post

Hi hope everyone is coping today, I've got something in-between a question and a rent, our local newspaper just keeps going with mentioning the case online, we where expecting coverage due to a reporter being in court and it was both online and in print, so far we have had the actual case, with words changed to make it actually worse, at the end of the week it repeated in a weekly round up and now in a monthly round up, I'd like to hope this is the end but doubt it, does anyone else have same issue, I know my partner did very wrong though he has now lost his job and worse of all his son,my grown up daughter found out, all due to media coverage, I know the media have a right to cover and report on the case but when does if stop