Family and Friends Forum

West Midlands/Mercia area

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Member since
July 2021

24 posts

Posted Tue August 3, 2021 9:27pmReport post

I posted this in a prior thread but wasn't really the right place. So, I am Sorry for repetition :)

Im curious really to find out If there is anyone else going through this in the West Midlands/Mercia area? If so, where are you at in the process? How many months since the knock, how long was it before you got your devices back and how were the courts/ how long until it was concluded from knock to sentencing? Sorry for all the Qs, I know we can't really compare, but might be helpful...

My background in this- approx 4 weeks since knock, partner arrested and rui for communicating online. Police took 2 phones but left everything else (only his phones, nothing of mine) so we're super early on. Freaks me out how long this could potentially run!


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Tue August 3, 2021 10:54pmReport post

Not in your area Blueshoes but I think nationally it seems to be taking between 18 months and 2 years. Anything earlier than that and your lucky. Ours was 22 months.
Things will settle down and limbo becomes the new norm. The intense stress then starts up whenever the case moves forward but you will get through it and one day be on the other side with whatever your new norm looks like.
sending you strength. Xx

worried mum

Member since
July 2021

6 posts

Posted Wed August 4, 2021 9:29amReport post

Hi, we live in the West Midlands and my 28 year old son, who lives with his dad, got the knock 6 weeks ago. The police took his phone and laptop but he wasn't arrested. They said it would be a couple of months until we heard from them again but his solicitor has said it would probably be longer. He has Asperger's so it has been really difficult trying to get him to talk. He has admitted he has illegal images and has had contact with underage girls on chat sites. He has attempted suicide twice since the knock, he was already diagnosed with depression and anxiety. His solicitor has told us we could expect a possible 5 year custodial sentence.

We are all completely devastated and I don't know how we will get through this. Every day is a nightmare worrying about what will happen to him not sleeping and feeling constantly sick. He has started counselling with Stop It Now and Stopso has GP appointments fortnightly and we are supporting him as best we can. I am so grateful for this site as I don't feel so alone.


Member since
July 2021

24 posts

Posted Thu August 5, 2021 11:32amReport post

Hi worriedmum ,

I'm so sorry to hear that your son has tried to take his life because of all this - you must be distraught :(

Five years seems like an awfully long potential sentence, I'm not sure I've heard of many getting so long, but I suppose the solicitor is preparing you all for the worst and hoping for the best...

Keep being the strong mum you are to your boy, he's very lucky to have such a supportive mother, and you'll all get through this. It's gonna be a long road for us all. Xx

Edited Thu August 5, 2021 11:33am

worried mum

Member since
July 2021

6 posts

Posted Sun August 8, 2021 11:52amReport post

Thanks so much for your reply can't tell you how much it helps. My son has four meetings in the next few weeks with our solicitor so he can begin to build a background for when he is arrested etc. I'm dreading everyone finding out we have only disclosed to his siblings as our solicitor advised this. I'm worried to death about him losing his bar job as it's the only thing keeping him going at the moment. He found it very difficult getting a job as his Aspergers makes it difficult.
you can imagine our shock when the solicitor said may be 5 years. He would not survive that and I dread the outcome of all this. Thanks for reading my rambling!


Member since
August 2021

54 posts

Posted Mon August 9, 2021 11:43pmReport post

Hi blueshoes

same area and sounds like similar situation OH on an over 18 chat site and had a text conversation with a police decoy who claimed to be 13 which my OH thought was someone wanting to role play until he received a picture, he ended the conversation as he thought it might actually be a young girl.

We are approx 3 weeks since the knock and just trying to survive each day, we have 2 children so SS involved, only allowed contact at his parents (where he is staying) at the moment so it's been a living nightmare, don't know how long we can fib the children off with reasons he's not home