Family and Friends Forum


Member since
May 2021

11 posts

Posted Thu August 5, 2021 5:35pmReport post

My son has had his bail removed and been RUI. Is this a positive sign? Or neutral? The PC said the bail conditions were "no longer necessary or proportionate".


Member since
May 2021

98 posts

Posted Thu August 5, 2021 6:19pmReport post

Sadly this is just a procedural thing, in 2017 the changes that were brought in to the policing and crime act 2017 only allows the police to bail a person for a maximum of 28 days (it can be extended up to a further 3mths but only with the approval of a senior police officer of the rank of superintendent or above, any extension after that has to be approve by the magistrate) to get around this and to stop the clock police will take a person on bail and release under investigation, this means that the police are under no time constraints and can take as long as they like, while released under investigation a person will have no conditions and can carry on with there life as much as they can as normally as they can

i hope this helps