Family and Friends Forum

Post Sentence Involvement

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Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Tue August 10, 2021 1:20pmReport post


Should I take it as a given that following sentencing we will be referred back to social care? Will probation definitely refer us?

We were on a very short lived cin plan at the beginning (May 20-august 20) and have been left to get on with life in limbo.

We had all the usual stuff (safety plan, course, contact plan) in place and have stuck to it.

I just need to know if I should prepare for their intervention again?!


Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Tue August 10, 2021 3:17pmReport post

Thank you. It's always good to hear a positive story.

Both myself and my ex attended a bespoke 1:1 course with our social worker. 6 sessions on signs of abuse, offending patterns/triggers and so on. We worked on a safety plan, devised a contact plan for the next 3 years (which leads to unsupervised community contact) and completed a story board with my girls on keeping safe. We're 18 months into the contact plan and following it to the letter! Even though I'd like to skip ahead. All contact is now supervised by me.

He's now being charged with possessing 9 class c photos and distributing 6 in the group chat. We've separated however this was on the cards anyhow.

He's attended counselling and also the lff course (which he found extremely helpful).

I guess it'll be a wait and see as with everything else in this process. Would love my eldest to have unsupervised contact sooner so I guess a re referral is inevitable. Hoping it'd as positive as your experience.

I'm dreading the next few months but hoping life can start to be reset once sentencing is complete.


Edited Tue August 10, 2021 3:19pm

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Tue August 10, 2021 3:59pmReport post

In hindsight, I can't really fault their approach. At the time I hated them. The sw allocated has left now.

I'm hoping that the contact plan we have already is enough and perhaps (best case scenario) they will complete the assessment and leave us be. I can't see what meaningful work is left and my children are happy and thriving.

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Tue August 10, 2021 6:48pmReport post

No idea what is on the SHPO yet.

I don't think I fear them back in our lives I just want to be able to move on without constant judgements from professionals.

You're right about the impact of not see their dad is more harmful than seeing him. The first few months after arrest were the most difficult of my daughters life. She's desperate to get back to her daddy/daughter activities. They always went to the cinema, bowling etc. Life is just on pause for them.

Edited Tue August 10, 2021 6:51pm