Family and Friends Forum

CPS and Police

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Member since
October 2020

479 posts

I really don't want to do the inform course as ai have enough on my I am asking here

When the investigation process is over i.e devices have been checked... Am I right in saying the police review the evidence and decide to send it to the CPS or caution?


Posted Fri August 13, 2021 12:29pmReport post


Member since
June 2021

473 posts

Hi Blackhound,

It is really good to do the inform course I wish I had known about llf 3 years ago I don't think I'd be where am now if I had. The course informative and u also get to meet face to face people who r going through the same as u, it's nice to put faces to names xx and u can set u a wats app group to talk to each other once the group is over, I'd give it a thought or don't rule it out xx

Posted Fri August 13, 2021 12:47pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

I have not done the course either, maybe one day.

But I think the police decide if there is enough evidence and CPS confirm and set the charges.

CPS will only really agree to charges that they are confident will get a sentence to stick. In my partner's case there wasn't strong enough evidence on communication as such so stuck with making and distribution.

They knew he used chat rooms but I don't think had evidence to show he was chatting to minors. Tbh he pretended to be a minor to get attention from adults...

Posted Fri August 13, 2021 1:02pmReport post


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Ref the course, Maybe one day Dawn. Ref the WhatsApp group, again maybe one day but for now this forum is enough...

Im not sure whether I want to know tbh... I guess it's an aversion tactic to surpress the event... But I can openly talk about it with my husband without 100% hostility which suits me...

Ahh I see so the police review the evidence and decide whether or not it goes to the CPS... I am hoping at that point, when it's lies with the police they can decide to caution and avoid the CPS?

I am very glad your partner majestic didn't receive a comms charge... That would've made things even worse...

I know your partner's reasons are similar to mine Majestic... I think for me it makes it easier to know that it was because they wanted attention from adults, I have no concerns whatsoever about a porn addiction or a predilection to children ...

In my case it hurts a little because we're obviously together but I can understand at that time he wouldn't have benefitted from talking about it to me atleast... I was not open at all... Which I dare say has changed now alot...

It's funny and horrifyingly sad that the worst events cause the biggest changes...

Posted Sat August 14, 2021 8:05pmReport post

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