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Social Worker and autism

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Member since
February 2019

10 posts

I have given the social worker permission to talk to my children in school today, but my youngest is 12 with high functioning autism. He often gets confused with timelines, and doesn't notice things going on around him. I'm worried he could get confused and the sw could interpret badly. I just feel so threatened by her, she's either trying to get my husband's bail revoked or take my kids off me. Can I insist on being present or at the least request pastoral support at school to be with him?

Posted Fri February 22, 2019 7:40amReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

I would ask the social worker exactly what they are going to do on the visit. Are they visiting at school because its more convenient or because they dont want you present, i would ask. My chikdren are younger so ive always been present and they just play games. I often worry they think im influencing them because they always look at me before saying anything and one if mine is on the autistic spectrum so has some minor communication issues sometimes. Kids say all kind of unpredictable things, they know that. I would imagine even with older kids they are just looking to see if they give any indication of worries, abuse etc. I don't think its unreasonable to ask for someone to be present as your child may find the situation intimidating due to being on the spectrum. I just ask the social worker what they are going to do, why they are doing it etc, Don't be afraid to ask loads of questions.

Posted Fri February 22, 2019 8:32amReport post


Member since
October 2018

39 posts

Hi Hun it's very daunting isn't it... Cs came out to our home yesterday as oh was sent to prison on Tuesday and she said she wanted to have a chat with the kids if that was ok. I let her by all means nothing to hide at all. I have 3 children 10 soon to be 11 one 9 and one just turned 5 my middle one is on the waiting list to be seen by chams to be assested for adhd or asd so I was very axitiousa about this all day yesterday (I was a kid in care as a teenage) my daughter comes out with alot of random things all the time but they where fine I did hear one or two of the questions like how is mummy at the moment and do they go and play out ect and she was happy to see that they where happy and that she could see no signs of neglecte at all.

Try not to worry to much and remember they are there to help you as well they might be able to get you some more help and support if you need it X X

Posted Fri February 22, 2019 9:15amReport post


Member since
October 2018

39 posts

Forgot to say where I live they have a family advocate team and they will help you they can come to all meetings with you if your end up having meeting and I am sure that they are able to go to the school for this sort of thing if needed I found mine through ringing my local cab

Posted Fri February 22, 2019 9:18amReport post


Member since
February 2019

10 posts

Thanks for the advice. I managed to arrange for the school pastoral team to be present with both of them, and got feedback from both of them.

Posted Sun February 24, 2019 7:32amReport post


Member since
November 2018

8 posts

Hey my son has autism too and my children have been having 1:1 sessions in school since October they did this with us because it was a relaxed environment away from school where they can speak openly about anything any worries or concerns they may have with what’s currently going on in there life’s. My children heard there dad being arrested at 10pm and since then they have had no contact with them what so ever so it’s been good to know that if they had anything they needed to get off there chests that they have someone to speak to. I know social work have a bad reputation my in my case if your willing to work with them they are very supportive I hope this helps and I hope your son gets on good with his sessions

Posted Fri March 1, 2019 12:45pmReport post

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