Family and Friends Forum

Understanding the terminology

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Member since
August 2021

22 posts

Hi all

im day 5 in since the knock at the door. I called the helpline Friday and was told about the forum which has been good for me.

I am a little confused with all the terminology. What does the cat A B and C relate to?

My husband was arrested and bailed with 1 condition Tuesday. No charges have been made. He had been talking to someone he thought was 18 via kik. No images where shared by this person but he had sent a video of himself. Idiot I know. He has a bit of an additive-ness to talking to other women online. The person has turned out to be 13. He found the details on pornhub to do with role playing chat.

They took his personal and work phones and his tablet. We haven't heard anything back as yet.

any help on understanding some of the terminology and hearing some of your experiences would be great

Posted Sun August 15, 2021 12:48amReport post


Member since
August 2021

22 posts

Thank you lee1969

its amazing how strong so many people have been and I'm glad I have had the strength to post.
he believed he was rolling to an 18 yea old and only found out it was a 13 year old once arrested. This is what he has told me each time I've asked.
My family are pushing for me to make a life changing decision now but I think that has more to do with the cheating aspect as he has cheated on me b4.

Posted Sun August 15, 2021 6:06amReport post


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

It's completely down to you Stacey... it's your life and ultimately your decision...

Posted Sun August 15, 2021 8:07amReport post


Member since
August 2021

22 posts

He has told me that not once did the age come up. When what they are telling you is the only thing you have to go on it's hard isn't it. The impression I get is that they have him on him sending inappropriate video. I know confidentiality comes into play but as partners I think we should be told everything.
cheating has been physical 2 times that I know of. I have suspicions that there has been more but I'll never know.

Posted Sun August 15, 2021 10:37amReport post


Member since
August 2021

22 posts

The video as I believe it was just one was of himself. No one else.
I haven't been to the GP yet. My work gave me 2 days leave and 2 days toil last week and this coming week I have 2 days special leave and 3 days full sick pay. As an organisation we're only on sat sick pay so they are looking out for me.

haven't really thought about counselling yet.

Posted Sun August 15, 2021 11:52amReport post


Member since
August 2021

22 posts

Hi lee

yesterday I wrote out a reply and lost it all before I could post it.
the video was of himself, but him thinking he sent it to an 18 year old turned out he sent it to a 13 year old. I believe he didn't know and I keep asking did the age come up in any of ur conversations and he is a admimently telling me no. The only thing he says he received from the girl was a selfie of her in a onesie. My question did she not look younger than 18 he said no was hard to see as she had the hood up. But he carried on talking.
mum not sure what eveidence other than a print out of the chat they have but this is all what he has told me happened

Posted Mon August 16, 2021 10:53amReport post

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