Family and Friends Forum

Annoyed at phone call off police

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Member since
February 2020

27 posts

Posted Sun August 15, 2021 9:27amReport post

My journey ended around a month ago. My partner was charged with possession of iioc, then he had a magistrates plea of not guilty, another crown court plea of not guilty and a trial date was set.

All charges were then dropped and he was NFA'd because the evidence was torn apart by an expensive solicitor.

Yesterday I received a phone call off the officer in charge of the case, I haven't heard from him since the day he left my property after the knock. He explained he would like to meet with me and my partner to give us some closure and return our items.

On the phone he stated that he did not believe beyond reasonable doubt that my partner was guilty after the interview he'd had with him.

Him saying that has annoyed me so much! If my partner had gone to magistrates court and pleaded guilty which many people do because they feel they have no other choice, we would be living a very different life right now. This tore our lives apart for two years, got us in a lot of debt.

If he didn't believe my partner was guilty why did he push for a charge through the cps?! Why would they be happy for his and my life to be ruined. We had to fight it ourselves and at the last hurdle the police realised they didn't have a leg to stand on in court. I've lost complete trust in them, if they're happy to do this to people.