Family and Friends Forum

Support Groups

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Member since
May 2021

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Posted Mon August 16, 2021 12:27pmReport post

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to know if anyone has been able to find any support groups for people like us in their area? I am finding it difficult finding people to talk to and posts seem to get lost on here. Does anyone know of any on facebook or anything? I have no idea where to start.

Thanks for reading.



Member since
May 2021

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Posted Tue August 17, 2021 11:10amReport post

I am also looking for people like us the family of the person who has done this but find it very hard. Not being able to talk it through with anyone or tell friends because of what they will judge is terrible feeling. There must be like minded people who want to meet up just support each other .

is there any way you can reply privately to an individual post?


Member since
March 2019

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Posted Tue August 17, 2021 8:53pmReport post

Hi don't understand

I don't think there are any support groups but some of the ladies on here have set up support groups through mumsnet and wassap. I joined and was put in touch with a lovely lady in my area. We get together when we can and this has been a huge help to me.

if you read over old posts there are lots who have given their mumsnet names and connected that way, built up trust then joined the wassap group and some have met in person.

my mumsnet name is the same as here so if at any point you want to drop me a line then do so. Just always make sure that you don't give personal details until you feel comfortable that the person is from this forum and is going through this whole ugly process.

hope this helps x


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Sat August 21, 2021 1:47pmReport post


I wish too there were support groups for us.

Myself and some other ladies on here took the very scary plunge to connect with each other and have not looked back! We messaged on mumsnet and thro this I have made a close friend who lives not too far away from me and a WhatsApp group as well.

it is a very lonely place because it's so hard to talk about with anyone who hasn't or is not going thro the same situation.

It has helped me more than anything being able to discuss this and knowing I am not in my own.

snding best wishes

Mabel x


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July 2023

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Posted Wed July 12, 2023 7:39pmReport post

It sounds like a fantastic idea, but as this is a public website including this forum, you never know who might be on it. I was hoping some of the regional charities might do that, but I haven't found any.


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July 2023

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Posted Sat July 15, 2023 3:42pmReport post

Hello my friends;

I am looking for a community. It's so hard to find people who are able to handle our stories. I need others to talk to about the shunning behavior of church and community. I have tried sites for women of partners into adult porn and adult acting out, and they cannot handle what I have had to endure. They don't want to hear it and don't understand the hurt caused by this pushing away of our stories. I so want to talk about the shunning and the shame, and the hurt and anger it causes, so I may get over it. i am currnently building a nonoffendng partner's group, but it can't go live until I get this anger and shame dealt with. I want to heal fully, so I may help others heal too:) I desperately need community. I hope and pray I find it here. I read some of the old posts abot mumsnet and wassap. I will check them out. Thank you for listening:)


Member since
June 2023

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Posted Tue July 18, 2023 4:31pmReport post

Hi Patrice and Julie,

I set up a Facebook group for women like us to support and guide each other, but due to the shame and secrecy surrounding our circumstances I couldn't figure out a way to let others in the same situation know about it. I'd love it if anyone on here would like to join. You don't even have to use your main Facebook profile as it's easy to set up a second account using a fake name, so you'd be completely anonymous.

My idea was to make it a positive group where we can support one another and share wisdom and stories to help anyone struggling. At the start of my journey I desperately needed to hear about good outcomes, and to interact with people who were non judgemental in a safe space and that's what I want this group to be about.

I called the group Dandelion Women A support group for partners of internet offenders. as dandelion's are symbols of hope, growth and healing. They can survive and grow and thrive in all conditions just like us women. If anyone would like to join just send me a message and I can send an invitation xx


Member since
February 2023

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Posted Thu July 20, 2023 12:24amReport post

A lovely idea, has anyone requested? Not sure many people check this section of the forum


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July 2022

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Posted Fri July 21, 2023 10:53pmReport post

Post deleted

Edited Thu December 21, 2023 10:08am


Member since
July 2023

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Posted Tue September 19, 2023 12:22amReport post

I hope it's ok to post this link. I contacted Talking Forward and took part in one of their online sessions. It's like here, but we could see each other!!!! It's a nice compliment to this forum, and I did wonder if people on it were also here.

I'd like to thank Lee for connecting me to it too.

Edited Tue September 19, 2023 12:23am


Member since
September 2023

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Posted Mon October 2, 2023 6:24pmReport post

I've connected now with Talking Forward so thank you to those who posted the links. I'd also love to find people in my area who I could meet up with to share support and friendship. For those of you who have been on here much longer than me, is there a way of doing that or does remaining anonymous prevent it?


Member since
November 2023

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Posted Wed November 22, 2023 8:46amReport post

Where does the family of offenders turn? In 10 years since my family members offence, nothing seems to have changed. Looks like we are being dragged through the whole thing again as they have been recently been arrested and bailed on investigation.

There is still no one to turn to, no where to go where people don't judge, where you can talk openly and freely due to the shame and embarrassment. People forget we are suffering through their actions in ways that can't be imagined until you start living it.


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September 2023

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Posted Thu November 23, 2023 9:04pmReport post

Someone seems to get charged with a sexual offence almost weekly in my local area and yet there are no local support groups.
There could be people on this forum who live near enough to each other to meet up for a chat and support but they don't know who lives where.
And that's the problem. We can communicate and support each other anonymously on line but there seems to be no easy way to do this in person.

Edited Sun November 26, 2023 1:25pm


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September 2021

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Posted Sat November 25, 2023 10:19pmReport post

I think we are all scared someone may identify us but I'd love to meet and chat with others that truly understand what we are going through. Xx


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Posted Sun November 26, 2023 1:27pmReport post

If anyone wants to send me a message, I am happy to share my location.


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December 2023

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Posted Wed December 6, 2023 1:07pmReport post


I'm new to this forum and have noticed alot of people needing support as myself.. just wondered if I can make a secure forum for us to openly chat without feeling worried about what we are saying, would you be interested joining? maybe following this I could create a local community catch up or online if people rather? I'm so lost to what to do or say. I had the knock in Sept this year and have been struggling since.

many thanks


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September 2023

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Posted Thu December 7, 2023 8:46pmReport post

Hi Im Lost, I'm so sorry that you find yourself joining us here but well done on reaching out. You will find the people here supportive, non judgemental and with a wealth of experience. Everyone's journey is personal but there are also similarities. I'm not sure how long it is since you started your journey but if you are anything like me, you won't know whether you're coming or going if you are still in those early days of trauma and anxiety.

If it's a virtual support group you are looking for you might want to consider contacting Talking Forward. They have 3 Microsoft teams sessions a month and 1 face to face meeting in Leeds a month.

I also recommend contacting your GP for support if you haven't already done so and hopefully by joining us on this forum you'll start to feel less alone.


Member since
October 2022

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Posted Mon December 18, 2023 11:52amReport post


I am new to here and are already finding this helpful. I feel so alone with all my feelings. If there are meet up support groups or what's apps to speak to people in a similar situation I would love to join. I really need some help!



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February 2023

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Posted Fri December 22, 2023 11:29pmReport post

Josephonarina, I would suggest making a few posts on here and then you will be able to direct message people if you so choose.

Although this forum isn't locked down, it is anonymous and sharing things like feelings and fears is very unlikely to lead to you being identified and could enable you to receive some good support!


Member since
May 2024

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Posted Mon May 13, 2024 1:58pmReport post

I'd like to join some groups too and find some support too if anyone can help x


Member since
February 2024

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Posted Sat May 18, 2024 7:28pmReport post

Me too does anyone know if the Facebook group is still about? I searched but couldn't find anything x


Member since
September 2021

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Posted Mon May 20, 2024 11:02amReport post

If you want to message me I can send you the link x
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