Family and Friends Forum

Any issues with general public when your cases in the media etc.

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Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Mon August 16, 2021 8:36pmReport post

Hiya all.

Hope we are all coping.

Sorry for all the questions. This place does help trust me and hubby.

I was wondering if anybody had any reprecusions or issues with the general public when your cases hit the media.



Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Mon August 16, 2021 8:45pmReport post


There was a local pedophile group set up just before we went to court and other was all over that, and our local group page and online local paper, but I had asked for them to be taken down due to our daughter being suicidal and self harming, not because of this but obviously this didn't help but it was all over the following week x and nothing since then that was last November

Edited Mon August 16, 2021 8:45pm

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Mon August 16, 2021 10:09pmReport post

Hi we are only a month on from it hitting the media, no problems from general public so far, though not knowing who may have seen it is still a worry



Member since
August 2021

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Posted Tue August 17, 2021 8:57amReport post


Live sting posted on fb ,, outside our house. Neighbours all saw it. Nobody speaks to me even tho it wasn't me but my partner. It's been 4 weeks since it happened. Alot of people at work have stopped talking to me because they believe I condone the allegations and I must have known. A decoy pretended to be a 13year old on an 18+ chat room. It's been absolute hell.

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Wed August 18, 2021 11:21amReport post


I have heard some bad things online etc. Like windows put in and spray at the house.

My soilceter says it doesn't happen. Really.


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 9:38amReport post

Hiya Lee.

Thabk you. Deffo doing that.


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 11:23amReport post

Hiya Lee hun.

Yes we both have decided too take a new journey with this.

We are away at the moment but we have talked and talked about this but in the end we have to come to some kind of decision with this.

Yes we are gonna move now but we know that he will have to go back to where he was arrested.

Yes worried about jobs in the future for him but we shall see.

Just worried about the hassle in the street and home.

Thank you Lee xx

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 1:05pmReport post

Hiya Lee.

Yes we are talking about but not everyday otherwise we will drive each other mad.

He is very open about what he has done etc. He is doing the modules online and counselling. Yes seen a change in his internet not on the phone halve as much.

Not talked to girls etc online so that's something.

Like you said no 2 cases are the same.


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 7:58pmReport post

Hiya Lee.

Thank you again for the message.

Well he used to have iphone new phone but now he has a £20 throw away phone which is better. Told him I need to see the phone once a month to see what's going on.

Yes he has a porn addiction but we don't know what route to take next either go through the coucelling or through GP.

Do you mind telling me but only if you wish what you other did and what sentence.


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 8:37pmReport post

Hiya Lee.

Yes I fully understand about the porn addiction but not to it's full extent. Well have talked and told me he searched Nearly everything.

He was only charged at the time for one picture and sending it but he said he didn't because it was sent by email and cannot remember the email address.

But the problem will be that the iPad and phone taken had searches for beastiality and stuff he saw was on WhatsApp and MSN groups and nothing else.

Did you get any hassle with friends and neighbors. Has he found work etc ?


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 10:02pmReport post

Hiya hun.

Thank you again. He was charged and arested then bailed but told not to bother going back for the end of bail but straight onto RUI from the end of bail date.

Yes fully understand about the devices etc and what he searched for and looked at and sent it all recorded deep in the devices.

Just hope for his sake that. First time offence and low numbers in the IIOC cases and is trying to right his wrongs through counselling that they will only give him a suspended sentence. Personally I think they will. But will be like you say 10 years on SOR etc.


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 11:54pmReport post

Hiya Lee.

All we know is that we are now in a waiting game.

The arresting officer said to him that the devices would be back to him after 3 months. Take each day as it comes now.


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 11:56pmReport post

Hiya Lee.

So what u reackon on the time scale. Before Xmas or just after.


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 8:57amReport post

Hiya Lee.

We live in West Sussex. Far south.
