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GPs- what to expect/what can they do?

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Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Tue August 17, 2021 12:49pmReport post

I have managed thus far to deal with being a partner to an offender, with little to no help from others- this forum has been my outlet.

But I'm now feeling the strain, lack of sleep and think it is impacting my work. Since I have disclosed to my mum and step dad the reality of it all has crushed me.

It is regularly advised on here to seek GP help, but tbh I'm not sure what good they can do. I'm adverse to medication but may be needed since my mental health is worse now.

I would like to hear others experiences and how it helped them. Any tips on getting the best out of my GP?


Member since
May 2021

267 posts

Posted Tue August 17, 2021 1:43pmReport post

Hi majestictopaz, I'm sorry to hear that you feel like this - and it's really not surprising that you do. I'm quite a strong, positive person but the situation I've found myself in has almost broken me; a few weeks ago I contemplated suicide and it was absolutely terrifying. Like you, I'm not a big fan of medication; until I hit rock bottom I was practicing good self-care i.e. fresh air, eating well, lots of exercise, but after that I took myself off to see a therapist. I chose one who is a specialist in this subject and just had a couple of sessions. More than anything I needed just to talk...and talk...and talk....! Obviously it didn't and couldn't solve anything, but it allowed me to get all these jumbled thoughts out of my head and was incredibly good just to talk to someoe who understands. If you're able to do so, I highly recommend it. My son saw our GP soon after getting the knock because he was suicidal - the GP told him to go for a run!! So I didn't think there was much point going that route.

Best of luck xx


Member since
March 2021

150 posts

Posted Tue August 17, 2021 2:37pmReport post

Hi majestictopaz, I was exactly the same "what do I say and what can they do"? However my gp was so sympathetic and listened to how I was feeling. I too was struggling with sleep, and I'm absolutely no good to anyone if I don't sleep, also everything feels so much worse. He started me on 30mg on mirtazipine which I take at night. They help with anxiety but also help you sleep, it has been my saving grace.

Anything is worth a try when you're feeling so low xx good luck


Member since
August 2021

15 posts

Posted Tue August 17, 2021 4:20pmReport post

Hi majestictopaz

I too had a sympathetic reception from my GP. My husband was arrested in Feb 2020 and the GP is the only person I've told. I was already taking gabapentin for nerve pain, so just upped the dose a bit on GP advice. It did make me feel a bit more able to cope, and helps sleep, but the overall drowsiness during the day is hard to manage, so I've reduced the dose again. Not sure I would 100% recommend it because of the side effects. GPs can also refer you for talking therapy (in my area you can actually self-refer), but I didn't find that helped.

My GP consultation was really pre-Covid - what you might find now is that it's really difficult to get an appointment.

I've seen a lot of your posts during the last year, which I've been most grateful for.

Hope this helps.


Member since
July 2021

43 posts

Posted Tue August 17, 2021 6:17pmReport post

Hi majestictopaz

I know how you feel. However my gp has been great. Very sympathetic. They did prescribe me sleeping tablets for short term relief to allow my brain to rest for the night and I've arranged my own counselling with someone who specialises in trauma as let's face it that's what we're all going through. It's been great to speak with someone who doesn't judge and listens to me. I've discovered a lot about myself during my sessions and found ways to manage my mental health through it all.

I wish you all the best


Member since
May 2021

153 posts

Posted Tue August 17, 2021 7:57pmReport post

GPs (in our area) can:

-sign you off work for acute stress symptoms

-write a sick note to say you need reduced work/ staggered return to work because of stress.

-get you to self refer to a wellbeing centre which for me has led to 8 weeks free counseling which has helped enormously

-talk to you about medication for sleep

-talk to you about other medications

I used my GP for first 3 of these and it was all necessary and helpful.

My lowest moments so far came about 4-5 months after the knock when I wasn't suicidal but I didn't want to be alive any more. I found that this coincided with a week where I drew far into myself and when I started taking to people again it started passing. I feel much more stable now.

Though I'm sure they work for some people I would not personally want to try anti-depressant drugs. I feel that this situation is a hugely valid reason to feel utterly awful sometimes. I don't feel awful because my chemicals are unbalanced but because I never expected life to dump on me like this out of no where. I've been trying to let myself feel what I feel and then move on when naturally able.

When really low I found advice online to simplify everything as much as possible. I stopped doing everything apart from necessary things (I have 2 young kids and a job so there are lots of necessary things!) And just focussed on each day in itself. I found soon I was able to appreciate small things, like drinking a hot cup of tea, or it being sunny on the drive to work. I practice 'mindfulness' breathing and thinking techniques. By not thinking about the bigger picture and bigger worries for a couple of weeks I was able to reset enough to be able to work with a counselor addressing some of those bigger things in a certain scheduled time slot.

Everyone is different but these things helped for me so wanted to share xx


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 6:22pmReport post

Thanks all for your advice and insights. I am going to see if I improve over the next week. I have a doc appointment for something else so might be able to fit it into the convo.

I am now worried about it affecting my work and now that I am commuting again I worry about my slipping of concentration. I have never felt so tired, and it is horrible waking up far more tired than went I went to bed.

Talk therapy might be needed, I will have to see if funds allow. I am seeing someone for another aspect in my life but not sure they are trained in iioc offending.

Big hugs to you all