Family and Friends Forum


Member since
August 2021

15 posts

Posted Tue August 17, 2021 8:26pmReport post

My husband was taken into custody this morning while celebrating finding out were pregnant. He has been alleged with engaging in sexual communication with a child and cause a child aged 13-15 to watch/look at an image of sexual activity. Has anyone else's partners have the same alleged and been charged 2021 I hate him so much for doing this but he is a good man to me. Please advise.


Member since
August 2021

15 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 3:46pmReport post

Update: my sister in law has been contacted by social services in regards to the offence. We weren't planning on telling anyone yet. Would they contact my family as they have little boys? My sister in law has boys and a little girl. Do you think that's why she has been contacted. Has anyone else had the same thing happen. Please any help and advice is well appreciated.


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 5:04pmReport post


Congratulations !

I am replying to bump this up, unfortunately I have no words of wisdom on this as ours was iioc. I am sorry you find yourself here,a place know one wants to be.

I hope your doing OK x


Member since
August 2021

15 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 7:48pmReport post

Thankyou becky1234

Just wanted to find out who was in the same position as us and how they dealt with it.

I'm so worried about everything. Hope everything goes well for you.


Member since
July 2021

24 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 9:07pmReport post

Hey Charlene,

I'm so sorry you've had to join this forum. I am the partner of a man with very a very similar arrest. I can't reply properly now as I'm out with a friend but I wanted you to know you're not alone and I'll be back to speak further xx


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 10:10pmReport post


my husband was arrested for identical offences in May. I was 24 weeks pregnant at the time.

We are still waiting to hear any more from the police and don't expect to hear anything for several more months yet.

please be prepared to have some involvement from social services. Please have a look on the family section of this forum for my posts which might give you an idea of what you will need to do to get prepared. You have plenty of time to get things hopefully sorted before baby arrives. We are currently in a good place with social services and my husband is going to be allowed to live with us when baby is born in a few weeks

For now please try and keep calm, don't make any rush decisions and above everything else speak with your partner to really understand how this has happened and why. That's been the most important thing for me and my husband is now in therapy and finally dealing with the many years of abuse that lead him down this path. We are stronger than ever together.

You are not alone in this.

Edited Thu August 19, 2021 10:17pm


Member since
August 2021

15 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 4:36pmReport post

I just hate the fact we weren't given the opportunity to tell our family first!!

My sister in law was just called and told hubby can't see her children. I called the OC in charge and he said that it may be due to the fact she has a daughter and then my siblings have boys.

I am so scared already about this pregnancy due to misscarriages in the past and now this. How can he do this to us. I love him so much but I want to kill him for what he has done.

Luckily his sister and mum were quite excepting but I can't tell my family, they will murder him and then disown me for standing by him. I am dreading them getting a call from the SS but I hope they don't.

I really can't cope already and it's only been 4 days since the knock.

Sorry for the rant


Member since
August 2021

15 posts

Posted Fri August 27, 2021 11:01pmReport post

So another scare today. Got my first phone call from SW and they need to set up a meeting between me and hubby for when baby is born.

Had a scare of bleeding 11 weeks in.

Had to tell my brother as SW said they were calling him. Luckily he was OK just worried.

Honestly can't cope atm.

Anyone else in my situation with expecting a small human? Has anyone had dad's rights taken away from them because of what they did. Honestly I sometimes wish I wasn't pregnant so my anxiety can do one. Awful thought but my head is spinning.

10 days post knock. Any help appreciated