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the other side

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Member since
October 2020

21 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 9:16pmReport post

Just thought would give a quick update for those beginning this awful journey that nobody wants to go on.

We had the knock last Oct 2020, partner admitted guilt straight away. Devices taken for examination. 8 images found, Cat A, Cat c and one animal image. Went to Magistrates court in June 2021 for plea hearing returning to magistrates again in July 21 for sentencing. !5 months suspended for a year, max of 40 sessions of rehab with probation and on SOR and SHPO for 10 years. Devices to be monitored by very positive support officer for duration of SHPO, and no unsupervised access to children under 18.

Life can carry on, albeit not quite the same as before the knock, but it is manageable. Cant have grandchildren to stay but then we are getting older and not quite so energetic as before so maybe not such a bad thing. We can still have days out, spend time with family, go away on holiday (although have to update details on SOR if we stay anywhere for 7 or more nights in one year). Going abroad has been put on hold until licence period of a year is over [ but then due to COVID and constantly changing restrictions we not too bothered by that at moment}

We didnt disclose to any friends or neighbours and were forunate that the case never got into the media, so the only people who know are our immediate familes (sons, daughters and their partners)

Just wanted to give hope to those of you in still limbo, and I hope you can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Try not to think too much about the future as I wasted so many hours and energy imagining the worst although I had no control about how things would work out.


Member since
July 2021

37 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 10:01pmReport post

Thank you for sharing and hope there is some relief in reaching this stage. We are still in the waiting game to find out charges, let alone as and when it reaches court.

I'm feeling shattered by the whole thing this evening. It is hard and exhausting all of the time.

Would you have any idea of how much it has cost defending the case? I think we have just found a good therapist to work with which is a relief.


Member since
July 2021

98 posts

Posted Thu August 19, 2021 11:16pmReport post

Hi Muggins,

Many thanks for sharing your story. I'm glad this ordeal is finally over for you and it seems rather quick compared to other cases I have read. Do you mind me asking what part of the country/CPS region you're in?


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 9:44amReport post

It's good to hear that it's been resolved but by god that seems like a harsh outcomes given that there were a small amount of images...

I've heard of a few instances where the number has been high but because that number involved cat A images, the sentences were harahers than expected ...

Of course no number of images is okay but still that seems so harsh...


Member since
October 2020

21 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 10:53amReport post

Sadly, yes I agree. Although we have come through to the other side, and can now pick up the pieces, it has certainly not been easy for either of us. Although I wrote a character reference to try to give a overall picture of my partner, explaining that although it was a awful offence, it was committed over 2 days during the height of the first lockdown when he became so depressed and distant, and was totally out of character it didnt seem to make any difference to the outcome. My partner has had some really bad, low episodes, and I have had to keep a very diligent eye on him. Luckily, he has been assigned a very supportive management officer who has been brilliant.

He has been to the local police station to give details of his new bank card which arrived yesterday. Again, he was made to feel like the lowest of the low! His management officer had said to go to the next police station which is situtated 16miles away as the desk staff are far more understanding, which leads me to think if they know there is a problem at our local station, shouldnt they have addressed it? Or perhaps they would prefer to have a set of stocks outside so people passing can cause even more distress to someone who clearly needs supporting, not pushed even further into the deep pit of despair?


Member since
October 2020

21 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 6:19pmReport post

We are in Essex but dont know if the fact that it was a straightforward case explains why it was quite fast(in comparison to some). I wasnt too impressed with our solicitor, but sadly, not having been in this position before, didnt realise until it was too late. It cost £1200 for not alot of work. I know this is fairly cheap compared to others, but again, it was a straightforward case to which my partner admitted guilt all the way through.

Horrible times to have to deal with, but there is a sort of end to strive towards.

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 6:46pmReport post

Hiya Muggins.

Fingers crossed you can now move forward now now your journey can start.



Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 9:56pmReport post

Hi muggins

Thank you for your story. it gives me great hope.

we are Essex too. Would you be willing to share the name of the solicitors company you used? Also the name of the station that is a bit more understanding? (Totally understand if you don't want to say).

Do you know how long it took for them to check devices? That's what we are waiting on now. It's been just over 3 months since the knock.

Edited Fri August 20, 2021 9:58pm


Member since
June 2021

85 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 11:16pmReport post

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Edited Fri August 20, 2021 11:16pm


Member since
October 2020

21 posts

Posted Sat August 21, 2021 7:22pmReport post

Scary lamb, I am reluctant to say solicitors name/firm as I am not convinced they were very good. Partner had one call after he contacted them when he knew what his charges would be, I sent in my character ref, asking if they could just look through it and let me know if it was in order. All i got back was 'thank you'. Not very helpful. Partner felt that both my character ref and the ref from his councellor (stopso recommended) were not referred to- were they put in, we'll never know. The solicitor didnt go through possible outcomes, and didnt speak to my partner after the court case. My partner was left in a terrible state, just handed the paperwork by the court clerk. Thankfully, his monitoring officer explained everything to him which cleared up a lot of uncertainty. I feel that the solicitor should have done this but there you are.

We are in North Essex, and Colchester has been recommended should he have to amend anything in his SOR.


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Sat August 21, 2021 9:29pmReport post

Hi that's very understandable! Sounds like you had a nightmare.

Im hoping we haven't been landed with the same solicitor! Though so far she seems very good - not that we have had that much contact with her given that we haven't even had any info from the police yet!

Ah Colchester isn't too far from us so we can bare that in mind when the time comes thank you! We are south Essex, so I will ask if some of the other ones would be ok for us. Hubby was taken to Harlow when arrested as everywhere else was full so his solicitor is based there.