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He went to prison

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 3:21pmReport post

So he got sent to prison for 45 months he'll be out in 21 months.

We are appealing as QC thinks it was very harsh.

Completely heartbroken


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 3:49pmReport post

I am so so sorry.

That does seem incredibly harsh.

sending you all the love in the world to get through this.


Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 3:56pmReport post

I'm so sorry

please look after you

Virtual hugs I so wish I could really hug you.



Member since
June 2021

32 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 3:56pmReport post

Omg notsurewheretogo I did not expect this verdict have been reading your posts very unfair, virtual hugs to you xxx

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 4:35pmReport post

Hiya hun.

Blimey. So sorry to hear this.



Member since
August 2021

15 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 4:38pmReport post

I am so sorry to hear this. Hopefully your appeal will work.

Thinking of you all


Member since
May 2021

267 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 6:41pmReport post

Heartbroken for you; so sorry xx


Member since
June 2021

85 posts

Posted Fri August 20, 2021 11:19pmReport post

So so sad for you. Sending virtual hugs xx


Member since
December 2020

287 posts

Posted Sat August 21, 2021 12:54amReport post

Post deleted by user

Edited Tue December 14, 2021 6:15am


Member since
March 2021

150 posts

Posted Sat August 21, 2021 11:23amReport post

I'm heartbroken for you xx stay strong


Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Sun August 22, 2021 6:10amReport post

thanks for your messages everyone.

Everyone including the prosecution was astounded.

Our QC came straight out and said well that's us off to the appeal courts.

Apparently our QC and solicitor had been working at the 3 or 5 years points. However the judge started at the 8 year point, which apparently is very unusual.

Haven't even heard from him yet have no idea which prison he is in. We are all just heartbroken.


Member since
August 2021

39 posts

Posted Sun August 22, 2021 9:08amReport post

Notsurewheretogo I'm so sorry to hear this.

The exact same happened to my husband, he was sentanced in that bracket starting at 8 years and he got 40 months. Was told its because of how the law changed at the beginning of the year, so angry as if sentanced in Jan the lawyers said they could have guaranteed a suspended sentance with all his mitigating, all reports saying he was low risk and less than 2% chance of reoffending and being 1st time offense. He was told as it was reduced from 8 years he wouldn't be able to appeal as had been reduced so much. Its so hard to get your head around, dont think it ever sinks in. Sending big hugs


Member since
March 2021

150 posts

Posted Sun August 22, 2021 12:27pmReport post

Notsurewheretogo I'm absutely astounded your husband received that sentence!! I am now dreading my husbands, as he is charged with 2 conversations!! Can I ask what area of the country you are from?


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Sun August 22, 2021 2:19pmReport post

I am so sorry love please reach out to any one of us xxxx