Family and Friends Forum

How long does this take?

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Member since
October 2020

19 posts

Posted Thu August 26, 2021 10:23amReport post

A relative got the knock last September and 11 months later they haven't had their phone back or a letter or call from the police. I know they're under investigation, but I don't think they realise it. They think charges were dropped after the bail term expired and that's it. I have a child and social care turned up and had us sign a written agreement on our doorstep. We're not open to social services, but the longer this goes on I really think my relatives believe it's all done with and nothing else will happen. Anyone have any idea how long it takes to go to court and then how long the sentencing takes from there?


Member since
October 2020

19 posts

Posted Fri August 27, 2021 3:44pmReport post

Thanks for your reply. Helps to have more awareness about the process.