Family and Friends Forum

Does the SOR need signing after magistrates or crown?

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Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Thu August 26, 2021 3:52pmReport post


I've read a few posts regarding signing the SOR but can't remember if it starts after magistrates or crown?

First hurdle our the way today. Sentencing next month.

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Thu August 26, 2021 4:09pmReport post

My partner had to do his within 3 days of pleading guilty in magistrates, unfortunately noone told us and we where on holiday and ended up getting a call while away and finding a police station there, hope it went OK for you in magistrates, none of this is easy is it


Member since
May 2021

98 posts

Posted Thu August 26, 2021 4:13pmReport post

If you plead guilty at the magistrates court and it is delt with here and you are sentenced then you would have to sign the SOR with in three days

If you plead guilty at the magistrates court and it is committed to crown and you are given bail then you would have to sign the SOR within three days

If you do not enter a plea at the magistrates court and it is committed to crown, unless they make it a condition of the bail conditions then untill you are convictied and sentenced at the crown you would not have to sign the SOR as they have not been convicted yet.

hope this helps

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Thu August 26, 2021 4:26pmReport post


I'll get him to chase this tomorrow as he's not sure what he was told and I do not want him to miss anything.

The only thing I am holding onto during this is that there is an end in sight. It's been a long, difficult 15 months.


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Thu August 26, 2021 10:37pmReport post

My partner signed on after the crown court sentencing, despite pleading guilty. But defo check since I have seen since alot of people say it's from the plea

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Fri August 27, 2021 7:00amReport post

Thanks all.

He checked yesterday and he's been assured it'll be after crown. He didn't actually enter a plea (on advice of solicitor - wanting the barrister to go over evidence), so maybe this has something to do with it.