Family and Friends Forum

Sad sad

Member since
December 2018

25 posts

Posted Sun February 24, 2019 10:55amReport post

Ok..... I've been thinking about this for days. And I just can't get it out of me head.

I'm sorry if I offend anyone but I just need to say this.

This forum is great. It is really supportive and very helpful especially when we feel very little hope or we are drowning in our situation. I believe the majority of people on here are genuine but I do worry that others are reading our posts. Journalists,vigilantes...i don't know! It worries me. I have always been totally trusting but with what has happened to me I'm now not so trusting.

Apologies again ...


Member since
December 2018

202 posts

Posted Sun February 24, 2019 11:11amReport post

Sad Sad, it’s something that’s crossed my mind and it could happen. That’s why I try not to post anything specific that could identify me or my family. What would journalists gain from the forum? Not a lot, they want juicy details so they can sell more papers. Nothing like that here.....

As far as vigilantes I would think they’re kept busy chasing people who are easily identifiable or playing pretend police enticing men whilst pretending to be children (weird!)

Just be mindful of hiding your identity. There are so many men and families caught up in this now it would be hard to find you, in a sad but reassuring way you are one of thousands. The vultures will quickly circle some other poor souls when their story becomes public. You eventually will fade into public memory, of course whilst reliving the awful memories on a daily basis.


Member since
September 2018

181 posts

Posted Sun February 24, 2019 1:49pmReport post

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Edited Mon May 3, 2021 6:35am

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Posted Sun February 24, 2019 6:51pmReport post

Hi SAd sad - my thoughts exactly! I have been paranoid about people reading this and identifying me. Hadn’t thought about vigilantes though. At one point I even thought SS would be reading this. I try and keep my info private so can’t be identified. There is quite few things which I not said in fear of giving too much away. I have been that paranoid that since the knock I delete my browsing history. Don’t know why really as got nothing to hide. I suppose I do know why. When police came they didn’t take my iPad and just searched it in front of me. They just went through my browsing history but did it in front of me. There was obviously nothing concerning on there, but your browsing history is really like your thoughts and I felt the police knew what I had been thinking over the last few months. Don’t know if that sounds mad or not, but not going to let that happen to me again.

Poster - loved your post. When this is all over (and surely one day it will be all over, won’t it?) I will probably be less paranoid.

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:41pm

Sad sad

Member since
December 2018

25 posts

Posted Sun February 24, 2019 7:19pmReport post

Thank you !

for making me realise I'm not going mad. i just needed to say it!

It's so true that this changes you. it's hard to trust and open up. All our stories are hearbreaking but at least on here there is no judgement. Support n love.


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Sun February 24, 2019 9:32pmReport post


i has exactly the sane thought about my ex husband reading this, but I have literally nothing to hide.

i am with poster if journalists want to read they can and see the other side of the story but don’t think they will care about our pain really.

i never thought about vigalantes or fake posters, I think everyone who has found this website , forum has for a reason and needs to check in. I truly try not to post anything too revealing about locations/names.

though Beth Lou although is not my first names is a collection of names in my family which my husband will now. So it’s him that could work me out. But you know what I take that risk.

i have been posting pretty much consistently since the knock in December. I admire all of the posters and trust them.

my main issue is that any one can access the forum but the only ones I think would are people doing research or phds into this growing crime. But I think they would read rather than post all in all I think most people are authentic.

hey I would rather not have to post and this never to have happened to my previous perfect life.

THough once the knock happens you can’t un know.

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:41pm


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Posted Tue February 26, 2019 6:50amReport post

Completely agree. This is a good site for advice etc but anyone can join. It's funny to think the majority of our partners have been charged with visiting a chat site and being lured in and getting addicted but this is also a chat site which I visit every day so you can see how easily people get addicted same as Facebook etc