Family and Friends Forum

I just don’t care anymore.

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Sat August 28, 2021 12:52pmReport post

Maybe it's the knew antidepressants I've been on a week now but as a usual worrier who worries about everything I'm now at the stage where I don't care.
yesterday I got in from work drew the curtains and put a box set on then went to bed. The wheelie bin sat on the street a week before I brought it in- I usually ring someone up to put it in the garden if I'm at work.
today I've got up and dragged myself to work I don't want to be here I don't think anyone likes me here and I swear I catch them talking about me. The kids are away at the grandparents so I don't have them to distract me. I want to pack all my ex's stuff up and send it to him to sort through so I can clear it out the house but he says his name is on the house so he should be able to keep his stuff there.
How do I get out of this place my head is in?


Member since
August 2021

8 posts

Posted Sat August 28, 2021 10:51pmReport post

Hi Rusty,

I'm nowhere near as far down the line as you are and I have different circumstances too but what you're experiencing is completely normal for someone who has had way too much on for way too long, you're overwhelmed and have detached to cope. When did you start taking ADs? Keep talking. Have you been seeing a counsellor or have you got a decent friend?



Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Sun August 29, 2021 12:16amReport post

What you are describing are symptoms of depress. It usually takes three to four weeks to notice a difference so be patient and kind to yourself in the meantime. You may need to take some time off sick until you feel ready to take on the world of work. I appreciate there are financial implications which make this easier for some folk than others.

If you don't have a trusted friend there are helplines including Stop It Now that can at least listen and at best give some advice. CAB or a Women's Rights organisation in your area can address practical issues or contact a solicitor. Perhaps write a short list of what you really need to prioritise.

I know it sounds glib but try and find something you enjoy or take comfort from each day. This can be a bubbly bath, listening to music, anything that reinforces your worth. We who come here to share experiences don't have much control over the legal process once it gets going. We can really only be responsible for our own recovery.

Sending best wishes .