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??? Telling daughter due to her line of work

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March 2021

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Posted Wed September 1, 2021 1:05amReport post

So I'm 6 months in, husband has plea hearing next Thursday, charged with communication... No pics, videos or arranging to meet. I haven't yet told our daughters (they are grown up and do not live at home) but my sister mentioned that our eldest daughter would need to inform her work of my husbands charges.... She works in a nursery. Is this right? Husband has never been and has no reason to go to her place of work so can't see this would be relevant.


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Posted Wed September 1, 2021 9:32amReport post

Thank you Lee1969, as ever great advice xx


Member since
May 2021

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Posted Wed September 1, 2021 9:07pmReport post


There is no need for your daughter to tell her work and she should not, the rules around Disqualification by association were changed in 2018. The rules state clearly that employees cant be asked about the convictions of people in there family and those that live with them or those that dont live with them, regardless of the offence. (There are a few exception to this rule for instance around domestic child minding) As your husband has never been to her place of work and would have no Bussiness having to go there there is no clear rational for any 3rd party disclosure to be made

As i have also mentioned in other posts the like of probation or the police just cant disclose to a 3rd party on a wim, any disclosure to a 3rd party has to be Proportionate to the nature of the offence committed and any decision rationalised with up-to-date risk assessments. If this is not done and a disclosure made it could be seen as a breach of data protection.

hope this helps

Edited Wed September 1, 2021 9:18pm


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May 2021

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Posted Fri September 3, 2021 1:55amReport post

A few of my hubby's family members have had to tell work. They are all police officers (which makes his offending extra stupid but that's beside the point!!).
His mum is a police call handlers and she has been told hubby would have to be blocked from her internet but nothing else will come of it for her. Hos 2 brothers and sister in law are police officers and they currently are taking the route of having no contact - though I think that's their choice rather than what they have been told at work because they also haven't contacted me despite the fact I'm 38 weeks pregnant (I'm a bit bitter about it!). But they are unlikely to be in any trouble for it it's just has to be looked into to check there is no change of corruption ect.

As for your daughter, she may have to tell once she knows. But she wouldn't be in trouble if she didn't know - because how could she tell if she was unaware. It could be good for her to have work know anyway as they can look out for her. Telling my boss was one of the best decisions I've made.


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August 2021

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Posted Sat September 4, 2021 9:40pmReport post

Hi MW,

My partner is under investigation for iioc and my occupation is a nursery practitioner. The police told me that this would not effect my job what so ever as he never went to the premise.

I told my work for safeguarding reasons and they were respectful and then it took a turn for me. They harassed me everyday telling me I have to leave my partner or I'll be sacked and they would contact ofsted, lado and social services so that I would never be able to work with children again. They put my job out on a job site the day after the knock.

I knew about the legalisation regarding the situation but my work took advantage of me and made me feel like I was the one who was being investigated. In the end I had to leave childcare altogether as I couldn't choose what I was doing so soon into this starting (just over 3 weeks since the knock).

When I contacted the police to confirm this shouldn't effect my job and what has happened they were shocked about it and couldn't believe it. My work contacted Lado as well about it and lado are still investigating me even though I resigned 5 days after the knock due to the harassment I received. Which was phone call from their business phone they private messaged on Facebook and phone calls on there too, texts more phone calls and emails. So im waiting now to be told if dbs will bar me from working children ever again.

I have done nothing wrong!! I was disgusted with the way I was treated and I couldn't be happier to leave bevause of it.

They completely disregarded my mental health and I understood their concerns with their reputation but they could have handle it delicately.

I thought I would write my experience down as I hope your daughter doesn't recieve the same treatment and her job should not be effect.

A positive thing that has come since this all began is I have a new job and start on Tuesday, I'm look forward to all the little positive things in my life at the moment.

Sending hugs xx


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May 2021

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Posted Sun September 5, 2021 1:11amReport post

Hi lish97

sorry to hear about what happened at work, had the staff in that company been properly trained then they should have known the rules.

it's why I have said in a few post and the one above that if someone you know is under investigation or been convicted it does not mean you have to tell your place of work, especially if you work in schools/ child care the rules around disqualification by association are very clear, and you do not need to say a thing.
In regards to your other issue around baring then do not worry about this you can't be placed on the barred list just because someone has reported you for having a relative that has been under investigation/convicted.

and remember that if any information is disclosed on the enhanced dbs under local police information then you have the process of applying to the independent monitor about getting it removed, also remember there is no legal requirement that you have to disclose to your employer the informtion disclosed in the local police information box The unlock charity is a good source of help in this area especial around giving help on baring list issues

good luck with the new job

Edited Sun September 5, 2021 1:15am


Member since
August 2021

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Posted Sun September 5, 2021 11:35amReport post

Hi notalone1970,

Ok thank you for advice I will have a look into that.


Member since
January 2021

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Posted Sun September 5, 2021 12:21pmReport post

Lish97 might also be worth you contacting ACAS regarding your employment rights also!


Member since
May 2021

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Posted Sun September 5, 2021 1:41pmReport post

That's a good idea if you have been with the employer more than 2 yrs you have employment rights and from the description in your message it sounds a lot like constructive dismissal acas would be the best to advise


Member since
August 2021

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Posted Sun September 5, 2021 9:39pmReport post

Thank you everyone I will have a look into that as well and my partner said the same.


Member since
March 2021

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Posted Fri September 10, 2021 7:58amReport post

Update on daughter. I finally told her about her father last weekend, she immediately told her manager and they have been so incredibly supportive. She cannot be sacked or have any restrictions placed just through association alone.

Unbelievabley, one of my daughters colleagues had gone through exactly the same with her uncle!!

Edited Fri September 10, 2021 7:59am

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