Family and Friends Forum

Plea hearing in 1 week

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Member since
March 2021

150 posts

Posted Thu September 2, 2021 8:39amReport post

Husband has his plea hearing this time next week and we still haven't met with his solicitor to go through the evidence against him. I am getting more and more angry/frustrated by the day. Problem is our youngest daughter is coming back from uni for a few days (she doesn't know what's going on) and I know that I won't be able to 'keep it together' once I read the evidence. We decided not to tell our daughters until we have spoken to the solicitor. The daughter who is coming home suffers with her mental health, so the thought of her having to deal with this breaks my heart.

Surely we should have had a meeting by now? Is it normal that 1 week before a plea hearing we still haven't met the solicitor?

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu September 2, 2021 9:05amReport post

Hiya MW ,

Fingers crossed for you. How long you been waiting to get to this point ?



Member since
March 2021

150 posts

Posted Thu September 2, 2021 10:40amReport post

Chelsea1 it's been 6 months from the knock to plea hearing, relatively quick by all accounts

Lee1969 husband has given full disclosure for me to see the evidence (scares the crap out of me having to read it!), solicitor has requested evidence from CPS 2 weeks ago when he got the letter outling charges, but as of yet he has not received them. We go to magistrates next Thursday!

Edited Thu September 2, 2021 10:41am

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Thu September 2, 2021 10:50amReport post

At our plea last week my ex was advised not submit a plea as the evidence had only arrived a day or two before. He'll enter a plea at crown in 3 weeks.