Family and Friends Forum

CPS decision

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Member since
September 2021

7 posts

Posted Wed September 8, 2021 12:21amReport post


A family member was arrested back in February for iioc. When the knock came, the police told me that they had received intelligence that my family member had shared an iioc. I was told at the door that you couldn't tell it was a child in the picture but they knew it to be and had a warrant to search devices in the household. On checking my family member's phone, they found a second iioc in the recently deleted section and arrested him. He was initially bailed and then released under investigation to present.

His solicitor was in touch recently to say that the case is with the CPS prosecuting lawyer and they the solicitor have submitted representations on behalf of family member. I am confused as to what this means. The representations mention the two images above (the second image was initially categorised as B in some reports made by the police but in the representations it is referred to as a C) and mitigating factors (porn addiction).

Could this mean no other images were found on the devices (three taken in total including phone containing the image found on the day)? If more images or other illegal behaviour was found, should our solicitor be aware of it at this stage so that they can address it in the representations?

Any insight would be much appeciated. My family member is unwilling to push the solicitor and the latter can be vague at times. I am not sure if it is possible for new or more evidence to come to light at this stage.
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