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Plea hearing

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Member since
March 2021

150 posts

By way of an update, went for plea hearing yesterday and it has been adjourned for 1 week. CPS file had documented ages of one of the girls incorrectly (initial charge letter was correct). The chief prosecutor had only returned from holiday on Wednesday, then decided to change one of the charges 3 times within 24hrs. Our solicitor had asked for a copy of the chat logs to be sent and we didn't receive them. This is crucial evidence, as it means the difference between my husband potentially getting a suspended sentence or definate custodial!....... The wait continues!!

Posted Fri September 10, 2021 7:55amReport post


Member since
May 2021

154 posts

That sounds really frustrating and nerve-wracking - hope you are holding up okay xx

Posted Fri September 10, 2021 7:52pmReport post


Member since
March 2021

150 posts

Cloud, I am a bag of nerves! Husband is convinced the chat logs will back up what he is saying, however the prosecutor is basically saying I doesn't actually need to be in black and white, it could have been suggested! I can't see it would stand up in court if he hasn't physically suggested the girl does certain things.

Posted Sat September 11, 2021 12:11pmReport post


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March 2021

150 posts

Hi Lee1969, so CPS sent their summaries report which corresponded with the charges apart from 1 of the ages of the girls, our solicitor questioned this with the prosecutor who read through the evidence and then wanted to change one of the charges to "enciting to penetrate". Husband is absolutely adament this was never discussed, but prosecutor said it doesn't need to be written in black and white for it to be emplied, as he could have meant for that to happen! I honestly find it unbelievable that she could suggest this as it means a definite custodial if she stands by this.

At the point of the plea hearing last week all our solicitor had received was CPS summary report, he had asked for details chat logs and taped police interview but it hadn't been sent (hence the adjournment). As of yesterday at 5pm he STILL hadn't received them and yet again we are due in court this Thursday!

To add to all the stress/heartache we had some devastating news that his father passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly on Sunday. This has hit my husband really hard (he is an only child and very close to his father), he is blamimg himself for his death.

Life is just so crappy at the moment, but we take each day as it comes and prey the justice system comes good for him and he gets the best possible outcome.

Posted Wed September 15, 2021 2:24amReport post


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March 2021

150 posts

Lee1969, so his initial charges were 1. Communication 2. Enciting 14 year old to masterbate 3. Enciting 12 year old to masterbate. The prosecution then decided to changed the 12 year old to 'penetration'. We have the call logs and police interview and at no point it that ever suggested or written.

Solicitor instructed husband to plead guilty to first 2 charges and not guilty to third.

We have Crown Court middle October, but we are hoping that our barrister will be able to argue the third charge back down to the original (which was to encite).

It's all just far too much to process. Before his father died we had agreed to seperate but now I'm finding that too hard on both of us. He us an only child so I ferl a huge amount of responsibility in caring for him and his mother. I love him far too much to just walk away when they need me the most.

Posted Sun September 19, 2021 6:54pmReport post


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March 2021

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Hi Lee1969, yes all communication is attempted due to both being decoys. If the prosecution stick to their guns then it will go to a trial with a jury, that's why our barrister is adamant they will drop the charge back to the original one.... They won't win and the cost implications are huge.

We have signed up for couples counselling, starts this Sunday, so I'm really hopeful we will be able to salvage some part of our marriage. It very much was a knee jerk reaction after reading the chat log....... I just didn't recognise the man typing the messages!!

Posted Mon September 20, 2021 12:54pmReport post


Member since
March 2021

150 posts

Don't know what I'd have done without your help Lee xxx thank you so much for taking the time to reply xx I'll keep you updated on his case xx

Posted Mon September 20, 2021 4:13pmReport post

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