Family and Friends Forum

Update and hope

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Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Sat September 11, 2021 1:57pmReport post

Hi everyone

Not been on for sometime as been really busy and cracking down on find the new normal.

So this all started for October last year h charge for publistion of obsense article he got 15 months prison and served 7 month has come out on licence till June next year.

I have had hard ride with social service with her putting her own options in and making out I was not a protective facter,, well two fingers to her cause my children are both still with and the know what they need to know. I applied to the court for a child arrangements order which I have 35 days to get everything in to court and again she ss is not happy but it not about her this is about me and my kids and they want to see their dad.

Thro this I know he do a bad thing but he really is not a bad man I am not saying I am staying but I am not saying my relationship with h is over I just want to see how things develop.

The best advice I was given came thro these tips

Stop and breath

Slow things down their is no time limit

Their is no right or wrong way to deal with this

Look after urself first,, you can't pour from a empty cup

Its OK to be not OK and their is people out their that can help just be brave and ask for it

The people you think will stay will walk and the one that you don't think will stay do

Don't do anything you don't want to do and defo don't make decisions under pressure

I have also read what my partner had put and in one sense it did not scary what he had put cause it was more questions,, but what the police decoy put was out of this world sick,, I know they are trained but would a plain clothed cop be able to give a girl coke in a nightclub then arrest her for???

At least we are starting to turn corners and I am slowly building a case against all this xx x

I just wanted to update and share some hope hold on to hope xx


Member since
October 2018

33 posts

Posted Sun September 19, 2021 4:24pmReport post


I haven't read your earlier posts but just wanted to say you sound very brave. I had to answer to social services too and know how exhausting it can be. I jumped through so many hoops but it came good in the end because we are living together as a family.

Best of luck with the legal side of things and also with deciding whether to remain with your partner or not.



Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Sun September 19, 2021 6:08pmReport post

Hi crazymaybaby,

How long did it take for u to get ur partner back home if u don't mind me asking??? My first sw said he would never be allowed home ever again but from the site I have found it to be possible but I'm just wondering time scales x

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2661 posts

Posted Mon September 20, 2021 1:04amReport post

Vickie - your advice was so lovely to read and covers Steps I'm learning to take as I travel through this painful and often lonely journey.