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Nearly 4 weeks in priso n

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Sun September 12, 2021 5:47pmReport post

So its been nearly 4 weeks since my husband was sent away.

We still don't have telephone set up or visits as get this the people who do the checks are on holiday.

We have emailed a few times but it is sporadic and not current.

Appeal has been lodged so just a waiting game on that.

Honestly feel so broken and angry as his mental health has deteriorated since he has been in there and literally has little hope or fight left. He was actually rehabilitating better on the outside.

I am just so angry and upset. People are getting less for worse and my husband is there after doing so much work.

The days are definitely not getting easier and I struggle everyday.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Sun September 12, 2021 7:29pmReport post

Ahh bless you - big hug. My family member has now been in prison for a year and I so desperately miss him. I long to hug him - it's so bloody painful.

I too read cases were the men appear to have done much more serious crimes and receive a lessor sentence, it seems so unfair doesn't it?

Let's hope your communication with your husband is soon sorted out. Everything is SO slow with covid etc. Your not on your own my love x

Edited Sun September 12, 2021 7:31pm


Member since
January 2020

95 posts

Posted Sun September 12, 2021 9:49pmReport post

Hi there!

I am so sorry to hear about what's happening with your hubby. It's disgraceful that you haven't got your telephone calls set up yet. Communication is so important when a loved one is in prison. I hope they get it sorted soon.
I felt exactly the same so much anger and hurt, I miss my husband so much.
Have you managed to sort out a visit? My hubby went to prison for a very small amount of images (23) and encouraging a under cover officer to play a porno when children were in the same room. He had no solicitor which obviously didn't help. He was getting help on the outside, now there nothing inside to help him. How does this rehabilitate offenders!!
I am here for you if you want to talk. Sending hugs

Blue x

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Mon September 13, 2021 4:21amReport post

Hi Blue82.

agree on your comments. My family member has been educationally assessed three times but despite countless 'apps' and a whole year in the prison system hasn't received a dot of education and no word of any treatment plan. Obv Covid hasnt helped the situation, that is affecting staffing etc as we speak.

I feel sad, he is SO determined to get started and work hard despite his dyslexia. I'm on the verge of ringing in as I worry it'll affect his mental health.

it is terrifying when there is no communication you wonder what the hell is going on. Hope that gets sorted quickly for you. X

Edited Mon September 13, 2021 4:26am


Member since
January 2020

95 posts

Posted Mon September 13, 2021 12:33pmReport post

Hi there!

'Smile through tears' What you've said is so familiar hun. My hubby has put his name down for education and heard nothing for months and months. They turned up to take him the other day and he refused to go, because he has so little time left, it's pointless to start anything. 'Notsurewheretogo' His meds got sorted out pretty quickly after I called the prison thank goodness. I think you just have to keep fighting and phoning until someone does something unfortunately. 'Smile through tears' is right the Covid situation and staffing doesn't help at all. Have you downloaded purple visits to see if you can get a video visit at all? You can sometimes request on from your end. I know it doesn't seem like it at the moment, but from experience the time does go quite quickly. I took up new hobby's and did loads of boys and bobs to my house in between work to keep my self occupied.
Hooe you get your phone call really soon, thinking of you.

Blue x

Edited Mon September 13, 2021 12:38pm

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Mon September 13, 2021 3:30pmReport post

Back again...... just spoke to my family member and he said the prison is full of closures with facilities opening up then closing again caused by Covid cases. Time out the cells is also unpredictable - he said they are all waiting for info from the education dept and getting frustrated. I'm sending him lots of stuff to keep him occupied.

Edited Wed September 22, 2021 12:42am