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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 8:34amReport post


My husband is being sentenced in March, this had been going on since 'the knock' last April, which I know for some is quick but doesn't seem it when you're living it.

My husband has never accepted any sort of responsibility for what he's done, he can't see the harm he's caused and doesn't think he's contributed to the industry (his words), when we were actually taking I tried to tell him but we now haven't actually spoken since last September.

Anyway, my friends and family have been unbelievably supportive but their lives have moved on, I feel that I have no other conversation, it's still what I think of first thing in the morning and last thing at night plus several times during the day. I know after he's been sentenced people are going to say I have to make a new life, start again etc, but I don't know how too. I don't know how I'm going to stop thinking about what happened, I don't know how to stop thinking why!!

Does anyone know how to start your life again??

Much love to you strong people xx


Member since
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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 9:10amReport post

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Edited Mon May 3, 2021 6:33am


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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 9:53amReport post

Hi Tracey and Andrea,

your not alone. I think we want to make sense to rationalise what happened. But I don’t think we can. They were having dark thoughts in their heads that I just don’t think we can understand.

it can turn you crazy going around in circles. But I think they were the men we fell in love with with a sexual compulsive side that they couldn’t control. I can’t grasp this as I have good impulse control. I know I don’t have an addictive personality but there brains must function differently and it’s not their fault to have problems with their brains. But they all have the capacity to reach out and say I need help.

i don’t know the reason some do and some don’t. It’s got to have a lot to do with Shame and not thinking they are worth it or can control these demons.

i completely get what you mean about the thoughts dominating your brain . I can’t get over it. That’s why I am trying to keep myself busy and take my mind off it with decorating, gardening taking things to the charity shop. If I sit still too long it pops back into my head.

We were happy I was content in my life. I think these men must have valued feeling safe but maybe they just didn’t feel like they deserved it and something was wrong with them.

Its honestly nothing we did wrong. I am angry my husband never felt he could share with me he needed support and it came to the police raiding our house.

tracey don’t feel bad that he is minamising maybe he just isn’t ready to accept that what he did was so wrong as that would be accepting he is a bad man ( which he isn’t the action is wrong not the person) but his brain can’t think like that.

its All a big mess, we can get through it. Hopefully my ramblings make some sort of sense. There is no rational explanation.


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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 9:55amReport post

Is either of you having any form of counselling/therapy? If not then I guess that will be a good place to start. Poster posts have made me book in for some to get me through it all and I start mine next week. Might be the starting block we all need? x

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:39pm


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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 9:58amReport post

And Andrea 30 years is a long time, you had a shared history and memories that will take ages to process. People shouldn’t act like you should just get over that. It’s like grief it’s going to take time. I have good days and bad days. I was only married for three years but knew my husband for ten. I genuinely didn’t have a clue he was having intense internal struggles. I knew he had anxiety but that was all.


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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 10:02amReport post


i agree with the counselling comment. We can’t do this alone.


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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 10:03amReport post

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Edited Mon May 3, 2021 6:33am


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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 10:09amReport post

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Edited Mon May 3, 2021 6:33am

Big sigh

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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 12:33pmReport post

Hi - it’s not a competition to see who is having it the worst! All of our feelings are valid. People wouldn’t have expected you to get over his death quickly, and the end of a 30 year old relationship is like a death.

I’ve got my first counselling session the week x


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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 1:27pmReport post

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Edited Mon May 3, 2021 6:34am


Member since
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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 6:09pmReport post


I did have counselling last year which helped a bit, I didn't hugely gel with her but she was helpful with processes etc as she works with sex offenders.

As regards to bereavement I always refer to it death without a body, it's the grieving of a list relationship and a future I thought we were going to have. The loss of the life that we knew and of course not being so sweet financially which sounds the least of your worries but actually you can just do without it!!

I know there's no right or wrong way to be feeling but goodness doesn't it suck!!!



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Posted Tue February 26, 2019 10:08pmReport post

The expression ‘moving on’ is used in such a glib way. I don’t believe I will ever ‘move on’ from what has happened. But I will learn to live with it , and I am determined it won’t define me. This is not my fault. I didn’t cause it, I can’t control it and I can’t cure it (is what I learned in Al Anon) Having therapy every three weeks or so is helping me make sense of all my emotions. There is no blueprint for dealing with this. Just one day at a time.

love to you all



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February 2019

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Posted Wed February 27, 2019 9:10amReport post

I'm no expert in this but I think your brain needs to process things before it can start to file it away. Something unrelated to what is going on now happened to me in 2015 and I couldn't stop thinking about it even though I wanted to. It had significantly faded now. I think you should let yourself think about it and do lots of related reading as that helped me. Write your thoughts down too. Maybe do a diary. In the end I got bored with thinking about it which was just what I needed. I've always been an overthinker too which didn't help. It will heal with time xx


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December 2018

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Posted Wed February 27, 2019 7:17pmReport post

So today I got the first wise words that I was dreading - you need to forget him and move on with your life. It absolutely floored me and had made me think I don't want to discuss it with anyone now in case they are all thinking that. It was a text message and I replied with 'how do I move on this is my bloody life' at which point I got a 'i don't mean it like that etc'

Floods of tears later I'm back under control but still thinking are people just being polite and pandering to me, are they fed up with hearing about the next horrible part of my life!!

Oh well never mind, smile back on and pretend all is well!



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December 2018

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Posted Wed February 27, 2019 7:50pmReport post


they may have been wise words but my don’t they hurt.

i remember you saying in the dock he loooked so broken and old it’s natural to still care despite the painful emotions. This is what makes it so complicated to overcome. I know I still have a way to go but recently I have got into writing my anger down on paper (poster you will be proud as you said about a journal)

i am not really doing a journal but writing letters to him, that say you know what I am seriously pissed off! That you didn’t respect our relationship etc. Obviously I won’t share this with him it’s more for me to make peace and move on.

I live our little group here and it’s really growing since Christmas you can always vent here. I feel that people in my day to day life don’t really get it, they are too consumed with their own lives. They obviously love and respect you but maybe they just don’t have the emotions time to give to us. Its been a trauma for us all. We need time to process it and move on.

I am still very wronged by his actions. It’s impacted everything and going from a double income to a single income and part of me even though if he died I would get widows benefit ( how wrong is that) but I really thought I had my life together and because of the nature of his crimes he can’t even help pick her up from childcare.

so yes it’s blooming unfair, and even down the line people have ramifications of the offending. I have a lot of respect for you tracey you seem very strong xxx

another long rambling post !! Ha ha

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:39pm


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Posted Wed February 27, 2019 9:13pmReport post

Tracey, don’t let other people tell you what you are supposed to do or feel. No-one but you can start to make sense of what you’re dealing with and feelings don’t just switch off so easily and conveniently. Take the time to let yourself move forwards and decide what you want to do. As I was advised, you don’t have to name it. People outside of the situation think they are being wise and helpful, but they are not in the situation. Take care of yourself and go easy on having to explain yourself to others.


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December 2018

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Posted Fri March 1, 2019 1:45amReport post

Hi all

how are you another month in, tracey after your difficult start of the week?

Have things helped or do you think the reality is beginning to hit in.

i can’t believe it’s the first of March now, and I did all of my spring cleaning in a mad frenzy over the course of last month.

i realised that I am coping practically but emotionally I do feel a bit upset. It’s helpful writing things and using the forum. I have also booked in to see friends and my daughter has stated a dance class which she loves.

its just very hard being positive about the future. I am really trying but it seems one day at a time is all that I can manage. Which seems a bit of a strange way to get through life. Still I hope as the months clear so will my head.


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Posted Fri March 1, 2019 8:10amReport post

Move on is easy to say but can you really, fully move on when something this huge has happened to you? No ones story is the same but the feelings and emotions generally are. I know my story is different to many in that there was no conviction but the outcomes remain the same.

I think I’ve suffered the symptoms of PTSD. Total loss of my identity, of who I thought I was, of how others perceived me, of how I view the world....all that has changed. Yes the emotions aren’t as sharp but it doesn’t take much to bring them right back into focus for them to be as sharp as they ever were. My online troll makes sure I feel those emotions every day, or at least to fear what she’s going to say hangs over me and my life continually.

The biggest loss though was my career that I’d worked so hard for, I miss it and often dream I’m back in my office, talking to old colleagues again.

So if ‘moving on’ means putting it in the past, I simply can’t. It lives and breathes with me every single day.

Glad I can express myself through this forum now, even many years later, it helps me so much and if I can help one other woman going through this it’s great.


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Posted Fri March 1, 2019 8:20amReport post

Poster you are an inspiration. Thank you. We are all taking baby steps at moving forward in our own way. One day I believe that I will wake and this won’t be the first thing I think about which sends a sickening rush through me. Or the last thing I think about before I try to sleep.

No one else knows how I feel or can tell any of us what we ‘should’ be doing. I know that most of my loved ones would prefer it if I cut my now ex out of my life. But this is my life, and for now I will continue to see him for a coffee. He has no one else. And I care about his mental wellbeing. But that is my choice and who knows I might change my mind. My mind, my decisions, my life.

This forum is amazing. You all are. You never cease to amaze me the way you are working through this. Each in your own way.

Lots of love

Paula xx

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:39pm


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Posted Fri March 1, 2019 8:22amReport post

Bethlou23 - I think I'm still going day by day until sentencing day towards the end of march, everything seems in slow motion at the moment, it seems to be what we've worked towards for the last year but not in a good way. Wish you'd come and go my housework!!

Poster - I think I've forgotten what a wild weekend looks like and not sure my poor old back would manage that nowadays, I'm so glad there is a new man on the scene but that raises another question for me - at what point do we 'share our news'? You're doing so well and are so strong, your boys must be so proud of you.

Jaded - it doesn't really matter why it how we're at this point we unfortunately all have a common theme that is so difficult to move past. I think it's like when I lost my beautiful niece aged 21, you never get over it you just learn to live with it or in her case without her.

We are all fabulously string amazing women and goodness wouldn't we be formidable if we could get together to try and change how the public perceive us

Have a lovely day my lovely friends xx

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:40pm


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Fri March 1, 2019 9:09amReport post

I totally second the suggestion that Bethlou come and do my cleaning! A real business opportunity there Beth ;-)

I have a vision in my mind that we are in a virtual room, all chatting and drinking tea (or coffee) when all of a sudden the latest member crashes into the room, disoriented, stumbling and distressed. All us ‘oldies’ rush to help and support. Eventually the latest member calms a bit and joins us for tea. Every now and then one of the ‘oldies’ has a wobble and we all support that person. Everyone calm again, sits down and drinks their cuppa......until the door barges open and the next member joins...disoriented, stumbling and goes on and repeats again and again. The group grows and so does the support. I’m hoping in time there’ll be better education for everyone on this topic, that’s myths and urban legends will disappear. You’ve got to have hope!

Have a great Friday fellow members.

Jaded x


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December 2018

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Posted Fri March 1, 2019 4:29pmReport post

What a lovely analogy jaded, I know we have never met but you all know more about my life , than my nearest and dearest . Though I have come to the conclusion I do need to share this information with my sisters now and before it gets to court.

tracey will be thinking of you this month then, you are so right about the number of court dates you have to navigate. I hope you won’t be attending on your own in March and will bring a trusted friend.

in regard to cleaning! Ha ha, could potentially be a new business venture but I am finding staying busy helps me cope. Plus it’s very therapeutic taking things to the charity shop And having a clear out.

Poster I get what you mean about the practicalities of being a single mum with no partner to have them overnight. I dread to think how I will cope when she starts school. My daughter only does three full days at nursery having her in school and wrap around care seems hard. I do plan on downsizing though so hope that helps my finances. It’s lovely to hear you have a new man, I think it’s so good that you found yourself through this and now he has to fit into life with you and your boys rather than the other way round. I wish you all the best you deserve some happiness.

i think I don’t mind being single, I just hope in the future I can trust people again. I don’t want the shame of the offence to stop me seeing the best in people. I will just have to be careful whom I choose. No unresolved child hood traumas etc.

Everyone has been through so much and yet can still find time to support one another. Xxx

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:40pm


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Posted Fri March 1, 2019 4:37pmReport post

And finally Paula,

your right you only need to answer to yourself. I think it’s perfectly acceptable to meet him for coffee. It shows you can still see him through his offending. That must really help in his recovery. Who cares what other people think. People are more than their mistakes. I still see my partner as I supervise contact and I can tell he is a good dad, who still likes baking and science shows. The offence doesn’t define these men. Saying that I am blooming annoyed still that he can’t confess up he needs some help xxx


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December 2018

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Posted Fri March 1, 2019 8:50pmReport post

That’s the good thing poster, you know yourself and what you like and don’t like. So a relationship can be really powerful rather than two people who are scared to function as individuals.

I am looking forward to finally finding out who I am and in the future I won’t be scared to date but yes they also have to accept that my daughter deserves a relationship with her dad.

so pleased that you found someone who treats you with love and care you deserve that and so do your boys.

Wow Tracey this thread you started is certainly popular, it seems like we are all trying our hardest to move forward but process the past and recognise how it shapes us all and that includes the men. They can fight the internal Shame or let it make them in to better more open and honest people. I really hope in time those in denial recognise there is hope in confronting their demons as I call it.

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:40pm


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September 2018

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Posted Sat March 2, 2019 8:17amReport post

Morning of the reasons I think this thread is so popular is that for once we can all find each other to talk to, and follow on from the latest post. Rather than trying to figure out the new format for the forum! This could be a very long thread!

So once is everyone doing?

I met up with my ex yesterday and it seems that the bravado and denial of the first few months has been replaced by grief about what he has lost and fear for the future with a trial still possibly nearly a year away as the forensics on his computer haven’t even started.

Do I feel sorry for him? I feel compassion for a man who had for some reason has gone down a self destruct path. Do I feel sorry for myself? Of course. Sometimes I sink into a panic and gloom and hide under the duvet with chocolate. And I’m definitely drinking too much. Half a bottle every night. Which worries me. Any thoughts on that?

Time to get up and on with the day.

Love to all xx


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September 2018

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Posted Sat March 2, 2019 10:52amReport post

It is a great thread, it's great to see how everyone is finding there own way through this and the support this forum gives to everyone. I haven't joined in this thread before because my moving on is different to most of you and i felt it wasnt the place to talk about it. But today I think i will say we really have all come a long way, even in our low days we are still stronger than we were before. I'm moving on with my husband, we together have come a long way. While the last two weeks have been really tough to process there are many possitive. Sometimes i can get a little caught up in the negatives and all the damage caused, i think it will never leave us but we will all find a way to deal this the emotional turmoil caused. Wow what a six months ive had, i dont think i could put into words the ups and downs, all ive learned, it's been crazy and stressful and its not over yet. I feel like managing my personal life has been a full time job. I know my husband is already a better person, luckily for him he was already a great person but with an addiction that nearly cost him everything. My ability to forgive comes from him being honest, open, remorseful, proactive in seeking help and change and accepting his faults. I hope that life can continue to move forward. Paula im glad your ex partner is starting to accept what he did and the consequences, i think it takes courage to admit rings that have gone wrong in life. Hopefully he will continue to feel remorse and get his life on track one day in the future. The waiting is hard, it's the worst part. For me it was waiting to see if my husband was telling the truth, the worry about how bad it might be. We all find coping mechanisms, but we must all be careful of the negative ones. If you normally drink everynight it may not be so bad but if thats a new thing you don't want to end up going down a damaging route yourself. Find an alternative way to heal, if you need support its out there.


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December 2018

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Posted Sat March 2, 2019 1:00pmReport post


It doesn't matter what our situations are, whether we stay with our husbands or not, the stress and engine are incredibly difficult and your staying with him have the added one of whether you can trust him. You're doing brilliantly and I know these past couple of weeks have been tough you know you'll get through it in your usual strong way.

Paula - there's no right or wrong way to deal with it, I've been eating chocolate, sweets and cake like it's going out of fashion, I'm now bigger than I've ever been so this week I started to eat sensibly, having said that I'm out for afternoon tea today!!! I'm really glad your ex have started to see what he's done and lost, I wish my husband did, I think that would not only help me but him as well and hopefully prevent him from ever doing it again!!

I had a weekend away with friends last week and we were in a small town where his brother lives, this brother has been gossiping and putting rumours that it wasn't my husband but in fact my son's were downloading this filth. As to can imagine I want happy about that but by bumping into him I was able to ask him to stop with his lies otherwise I'd have no alternative but to seek legal advice. I was amazed at how calm I was, I didn't shout or point any fingers and of course he lied as much as his brother and denied it all. The sense of achievement I felt was great - I'm rambling, sorry, that's my head, all over the place but today is in a good place

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend

Lots of love xx