Family and Friends Forum

Feel so Lost

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Member since
September 2021

8 posts

Posted Thu September 16, 2021 8:57pmReport post

I really dont know how i am supposed to feel, a few months ago i got the call which has changed our families lives forever regarding my grown up autistic son and images! (i can barely even bring myself to say it), we are now waiting for him to be sentanced and i am terrified of what will happen to both him and our immeadiate family, im terrified of the press and everything going on social media and the local vigilantes hounding us! My son has learning difficulties and is easily led, has a carer, he doesnt live with me but i also have a primary school aged son who wont have any friends when this gets out im sure. My husband finds it difficult to talk about so i dont have a lot of support, who supports the families as i dont know which way to turn, i just want to pack up and start a new life where no one knows us, if only it was that simple!


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Fri September 17, 2021 9:26amReport post

Hey Looking for Rainbows,

I'm sorry you're having to go through this. I have seen so many vigilante groups posting their stings on people who have learning difficulties (apologies if that is not the correct term) and I think it is the absolute pits! As Lee said, try not to think/worry too much as it's mainly just a waiting game. I don't think it would go in the media so I'm sure your other son will be fine. Definitely speak to the helpline, even if it's just to get things of your chest.

Take care of yourself xx


Member since
September 2021

8 posts

Posted Fri September 17, 2021 11:12amReport post

Thank You, i am so glad i have found this forum, i'm sure its going to be a big help, my son is in his late 20's and has been charged at the magistrates court last week, now onto crown court due to the amount of images, i dont know how the hell he got into this, its like i have two different sons, he's what i call a gentle giant, scared of everything, only goes out with myself or his carer, always saying "i love you mum" , its just heartbreaking as he doesnt know heis own mind, yet im left wondering if only id kept a closer eye on him.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Fri September 17, 2021 1:21pmReport post

I was terrified of everything as our story was all over the media...... but nothing happened - so try not to fret, although it's a scary time....


Member since
March 2021

354 posts

Posted Fri September 17, 2021 6:45pmReport post

Hi Looking for Rainbows

After reading your post I felt the need to reply to you.

We have a young member of our family who has high functioning autism and who recently pleaded guilty to possessing IIOC.

I have tried to research into how being on the autistic spectrum can make this group of individuals more vulnerable to accessing IIOC on the internet. For example in our situation the member of our family had no friends out of school and choose to connect with the internet initially to find some friends in chatrooms and managed to go completely down the wrong path....

I do genuinely hope that sometime in the near future more research will be done between the possible links between autism and viewing IIOC's. I read a book when we were going through the whole process by Tony Attwood, Isabelle Henault and Nick Dubin titled The Autism Spectrum, Sexuality and the Law to try and make sense of the situation we were in and improve our understanding of how being on the spectrum may have contributed significantly to their behaviour. You may find this book a helpful read if your son is on the autistic spectrum.

Do you know that the National Autistic Society have their online conference next week on the Criminal Justice System? If you are interested at all the link is

I hope my response is of some help to you and sending you lots of support


Member since
September 2021

8 posts

Posted Sat September 18, 2021 7:42amReport post

Alison 20

Thank you so much, this sounds very much like my son, he too has no friends and is so lonely, his only comfort is the Internet and he too has gone down that wrong path!, i will have a look for that book and look into the Autistic Society and what they are doing, it has surprised me how many of us have family memebers on the autistc spectrum in similar situations.

Take Care x