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Told my best friend.

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Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

901 posts

Posted Sun September 19, 2021 3:18pmReport post


Well today plucked up the courage to tell my best and close friend about my hubby.

Was difficult to be honest but a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

She said that I had to do the right thing for me , which I said I was.

She wanted to know the ins and outs. Which I told her.

She is sticking by me and keeping it to herself.



Member since
October 2018

33 posts

Posted Sun September 19, 2021 4:28pmReport post


This person sounds like a true friend. It shows strength of character for her to listen to your story and support you in making whichever decision is best for you. Also, well done for having the courage to tell someone. You have to be so very careful with these things but now you have someone to talk to about it and this will be very valuable.

Wishing you all the best.



Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Wed September 22, 2021 11:21amReport post

Well done Chelsea. You have a great friend there !

Some people do understand, some people need time to process and I think at the end of the day it's their right to decide what they want to do and unfortunately we have to accept it. It's just refreshing to hear your best friend has decided to stick by you!

I told my mum back in December when she was still alive and she immediately told me to get out. I gave her a while and spoke with her about it. She spent NYE with and us the last thing she said about my husband was that she hated what he did, but didn't hate him.

I told my best friend, both to me and like a sister to my husband and she said she needs time to process and I respect her right to do that. My husband has already gone down a dark hole of thinking he's lost a very dear friend but I said to him give her time to think about things.

Things like this are so difficult to know reveal to people so finding a friend who sticks by you is like finding a gem in a cave !
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