Family and Friends Forum

SHPO details

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Member since
January 2019

282 posts

When I spoke to SS she was surprised that on my husband's shpo it doesnt say he has to stay away from children under 16 and said I should get this checked. But who do I ask plus if it not listed then it shouldn't be a requirement? Obviously I'm not saying I think hes safe with my kids at the moment however surely if the judge thought he was a risk to others then it would be listed? The court docs hes received aren't very well explained.

Also do I need to tell school to remove him as a contact? School aren't aware about this as SS have closed the case but they never told me what to do either. I have so many questions but no one seems to be able to answer plus I don't want to create problems

Posted Wed February 27, 2019 7:31amReport post


Member since
December 2018

202 posts

Good morning,

if it was me I’d do nothing. It’s for the court to write up the order and for the Judge to Judge. It is was it is. Why go looking for problems? You’ve got enough of your own.

What I would do though is speak to your partner and decide that a) it would be in his interests not to be alone with children and b) should the school contact him he should not attend, simply take a message and get hold of you or another trusted adult.

These are measures that protect you and any child.

I’ll probably get criticism for advising this but if the SW was concerned she could have followed these things up, she didn’t. I am very surprised the SW didn’t consult with the school anyway as part of any assessment.

Your partners supervising police officer should/could pick up any anomalies in the order but your partner would be well advised to follow those restrictions anyway.

Posted Wed February 27, 2019 7:45amReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Although a shpo can say no contact with under 16s etc it doesnt have to. Shpo are written up by the police and imposed by the court and as i understand it tailored to the individual. My partners shpo only relates to internet monitoring nothing else. Social workers really seem to lack any knowledge in this area, some have said some shockingly factually incorrect things to me. I have always kept school well informed of everything, my partner remains a contact as he has parental responsibilty but he knows he cannot attend school and the head teacher is aware he is on sor.

Posted Wed February 27, 2019 12:06pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Thanks for your advice.

Yes I have spoken to him and we do have procedures in place. You're right, I shouldn't have to ask these things. The SW isn't great and not even interested in doing an assessment. I will keep things as they are until unpaid hours are done. Just need things to settle down first x

Posted Wed February 27, 2019 4:09pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

I feel the same way x

Posted Thu February 28, 2019 6:51amReport post

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