Family and Friends Forum

Lying again?

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Posted Mon September 20, 2021 9:34amReport post

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Edited Fri December 9, 2022 10:12pm


Member since
July 2021

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Posted Mon September 20, 2021 2:13pmReport post

Why should we have to go to such lengths to prove what shouldn't need to be clarified? It's sickening. The Police are meant to be there to protect people from actual threat, not look for things and lie to fit their narrative on a person. It's absolutely awful that they would involve your daughter! How do they sleep at night?! Xx


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Posted Mon September 20, 2021 10:25pmReport post

One thing I've learned from all this is that I really dislike the police and how corrupt they can be, before this I had nothing but respect for them.

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Tue September 21, 2021 5:06amReport post

I 100% plus agree with Carmela. I respected the police but certainly do not now..... not one speck of respect....

Edited Tue September 21, 2021 1:16pm


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July 2021

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Posted Tue September 21, 2021 9:03amReport post

I totally agree guys. In fact I would go as far to say I am anti-police now. I get it must be hard to be in this line of work when it comes to the nature of these kind of offences but if they can't remain impartial and just do their job by the book then they shouldn't be in it.

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Tue September 21, 2021 11:08amReport post

I think all they want to do is 'charge' someone - show absolutely NO compassion for the trauma families are going through... don't get me going on this one!!!!!!!!!!

Edited Tue September 21, 2021 1:17pm


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February 2020

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Posted Wed September 22, 2021 8:51amReport post

I don't blame you for not trusting the police. I work alongside them and at one point was joining them. Now I cannot trust them whatsoever.

My partners case was dropped after 18 months, he was charged, went to magistrates, went to crown, got given a trial date and then an independent forensic report paid for by us squashed their evidence. If he'd have pleaded guilty because it was 'easier' our lives would be over now.

The officer in charge phoned me a few weeks after and explained that he did not believe without reasonable doubt that my partner was guilty but went ahead and pushed for a charge with cps anyway. Causing us 18 months of hell. 1000s of pounds worth of debt, ptsd and anxiety. They're not your aly in this, please remember that.


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May 2021

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Posted Wed September 22, 2021 9:09amReport post

Lee and bev are correct, but its important to remember that this does not just happen at pre conviction, post conviction PPU/Mosovo/Jigsaw (what ever new name they like to call themselves ) are just as bad and from experiance you only give them theinformation they are legally entitled to know. These officers are like a sponge and will soak up everything you tell them, just to bite you in the back side years later, they might seem friendly,but they are not your friend, and always think befor you speak


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July 2021

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Posted Wed September 22, 2021 9:36amReport post

Hi Bav,

Thank you for your response. I'm sorry to hear you have had such a traumatic experience and hope the future is much happier for you.

Thank you everyone for your input. I am now no longer willing to say anything to any officer or organisation which may be involved at a later date, all I will do is continue fighting.

One good thing has come out of this so far - I'd always dreamed of being a criminal solicitor/barrister. I'm now looking to convert my current degree to a Law one in the hopes of becoming a solicitor specialised in this area and for cases against the police. I wish I'd done it years ago!

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Member since
September 2021

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Posted Wed September 22, 2021 11:06amReport post

As a family we've had no dealings with the police in the past and I think they knew it, took complete advantage of our innocent terror - I'd never trust them again.

Edited Wed September 22, 2021 11:31am


Member since
February 2020

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Posted Wed September 22, 2021 12:23pmReport post


Well done in finding a positive in this situation, I hope you're a successful in your law degree and help as many people as you can.

Our solicitor was fantastic. He's the only support we had in this whole process. Albeit a lot of money we couldn't have done it without him. I feel for the people who have no money or support going through this, who plead guilty for things they simply hadn't done with life changing consequence.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Wed September 22, 2021 1:26pmReport post

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Edited Wed September 22, 2021 2:14pm


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Posted Wed September 22, 2021 4:35pmReport post

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Edited Fri December 9, 2022 10:13pm


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 10:01pmReport post

just to bump this.... can not get over the way the police handle this they actually don't care about safeguarding etc it's all about getting charge against someone


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July 2021

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 10:15pmReport post

Honestly Carmela. The amount of things they were saying and how they were saying them is what made me sit back and think but why. They don't care about me, I have no children, why do you want me to hate my partner and kick him out - regardless of what he has or has not done. It makes no sense. The initial shock and being unfamiliar with the police would make anyone believe everything they say. Never again! I hope they rot, in my opinion they are worse than offenders because they almost made me leave my partner destitute for no apparent reason (so far phones are almost clear of iioc just doing some final checks). I will not let it slide once the investigation is finished, I've suffered for months because of them.


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue September 28, 2021 10:31amReport post

I will be putting a complaint in against them, with me and my family they acted more like a vigilante group rather than police.


Member since
July 2021

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Posted Tue September 28, 2021 11:53amReport post

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Edited Fri December 9, 2022 10:13pm