Family and Friends Forum

So Much To Deal With

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Member since
September 2021

8 posts

Posted Wed September 22, 2021 8:00amReport post

As i put on a previous post my son who is on the autistic spectrum is awaiting sentencing at crown court in a few weeks after going down that wrong path. He is a vulnerable adult and only a few close family members know, but i am terrified of it going on social media and in the press and our lives being made a misery, i have a primary age child and a teen too. My son lives alone in a rented property and if he goes to prison i will be left to deal with everything. Only last night a close friend shared something on social media involving a man in a similar situation and called him "vile", i dread to think whats going to happen, i'm coming off all social media as i dont want to see anything, i have kept this quiet for the last 8 months when i got a call from the police which turned my world upside down! My son is not a bad lad, he doesnt go out alone but is easily led and was lonely.Sorry for the long post but i love this forum and it's the only place people understand.


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Wed September 22, 2021 9:18amReport post


I am sorry to hear your story, I have shared your same anxieties. My son was sentenced in July it did hit social media, local paper. My son had 400 iioc and was made to look like a monster. Please remember that it will become old news I also have a teenager but she dealt with it really well by knowing facts not what the newspapers were saying. The backlash was minimal just words which were not nice to see .. I came off social media but asked my sister to let me know how many comments etc were there and it got to 287 comments and 12 shares. I think it's luck on the day whether it will be in the press .. I know of some people that had thousands and it didn't hit papers.

It does get easier.. sending a hug your way x


Member since
November 2020

87 posts

Posted Wed September 22, 2021 9:43amReport post

The worrying of what could/will happen is much worse than actually dealing with it, we are dealing with worse outcome and honestly it's not that bad. Lots of love to you and your son xxx


Member since
September 2021

8 posts

Posted Wed September 22, 2021 6:56pmReport post

Thank You

Does anyone know what the press are allowed to print/share, do they publish addresses ?, and can they be stopped in the case of a vulnerable adult?


Member since
March 2021

386 posts

Posted Wed September 22, 2021 8:10pmReport post

I hope you are already aware of this, but if not it is important you know, that you can write a character reference for the judge for the sentencing. As your son is on the autistic spectrum you can also includes how this impacts him on a daily basis. Character References from as many people who know your son well would be a good idea to support his case.


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Wed September 22, 2021 8:59pmReport post

Unfortunately they can pretty much print what they like, my address was put in but not door number our headline read (man with significant interest of children )which was so far from the truth is unbelievable. I tried my hardest for it not to hit papers but it wasn't enough that mine & my family's lives were in danger if someone found out where we lived ( past problems ) if you are going to try don't wait until sentencing speak to his solicitor before magistrates.

I wish you well x

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Fri September 24, 2021 4:57amReport post

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