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Member since
March 2021

13 posts

Posted Wed September 22, 2021 11:37amReport post

Last October I got a phone call from the police to say the x husband had been arrested for IOC and that I'd only been told as our son was supposed to of been picked up by him,(he's 13 now and had weekly contact with his dad and stayed at his house on alternat weekends) I was told by the police and ss that my son wasn't allowed to see his dad unless under adult supervision which I had to supervise! So this didn't happen and as we're happy with me and my support. Well a year on and the x won't speak to me, I've had no contact from the police or ss since, the x has asked his daughter out for a meal for her 21 amd to take my son with her so he could see him amd my daughter said no she was to busy, now I'm wondering what's going on, I check the court listings everyday, I don't know if my lad was involved, I don't even know if he's been charged! This last year has been hell! My lad has taken it all very badly and I've been somewhat the punchbag. Will I ever get to know the outcome? Has he not been charged and hasn't bothered to update his children? Dare I say it his life hasn't changed and he seems oblivious to the impact of what it's had on us as a family he seems to of walked away and left a trail of hurt


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Wed September 22, 2021 3:26pmReport post


I would imagine he is still being investigated and that could ages, it depends on how many devices they took, surely so should be involved in telling u wat is going on?


Member since
March 2021

13 posts

Posted Wed September 22, 2021 5:18pmReport post

Unfortunately nope police have said on a need to know basis and being we've been spectated for a few years then as long as SS are ok with my sons safety then that's it, SS Said that they would be in touch with my sons school to see how he was coping and nope, in the end my son was allowed into school after Christmas due to his mental state and they knew he was struggling but not ounce of help from outside angencies, For all I know he could of been wrongly accused and he's walked away from his son and daughter and is telling all his friends that I've stopped him seeing his children. I feel as if my life is on hold if that makes sense


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Wed September 22, 2021 6:17pmReport post

Hi skint,

Oh I am so sorry to hear that, that is absolutely ridiculous, wat r u supposed to do?? I take u and ur ex are not on good terms so he is just thinking its u when actually u r just following the rules. That's the problem with ss they just don't understand the trauma this causes to the kids, they are supposed to be there to help and support but i dont see many people getting that support xx


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Fri September 24, 2021 10:38amReport post

I can empathise with you but a I don't have children I can't understand so I just wanted to say that were almost a year in too and quite franky it does feel like youre just left in the lurch...

The only thing I remember about cases with children involved is something like Clare's law, that might not be the specific name but I know there is a law designed to allow the release of information to a parent or guardian to protect children ... I don't know if this works for the outcome of investigations but it maybe with a go?