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Don't know what to believe

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Posted Wed September 22, 2021 6:34pmReport post

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Edited Fri November 18, 2022 2:59pm


Member since
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Posted Wed September 22, 2021 11:15pmReport post


I'm sorry you are here a place none of us want to be.

It is strange isn't it , I maybe able to understand if only hubby's devices were taken but you say all devices. Some people on here have had devices returned clean, so hold onto that hope, police go on intelligence from all different angles. My son said he was innocent until I said I know what you've done so please don't lie to me, he then told me it all. I'm not sure where you are in the world but this unfortunately isn't a fast process.

Look after yourself x


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March 2021

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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 4:11amReport post

Hi frelsick, I'm so very sorry you have ended up here but please use this site for advice and support, it has been a lifeline for me and so many others.

My husband was questioned for communication only from a kik account. I was also told they had strong evidence to believe it was him through the IP address. I too googled the hell out of it and tried to come up with logical explanations. My husband was adamant for 16 weeks after arrest that his phone must have been cloned/hacked..... I believed him, until 1 day he confessed and my world fell apart for a 2nd time

IP address are specific to a location, and police don't usually arrest unless they strongly believe the information they hold is correct. I really hope your husband is being truthful with you because the truth will come out eventually.

My 1 piece of advice is to not make any big decisions straight away until you have all the evidence and you can make an informed choice. Look after yourself and use this website as support.

I truly hope you get the answers you need xx always here xx

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 4:58amReport post

Bless you...... it's so darn hard but what the ladies are saying is right, the truth will come out. Likewise my life was good, suspected nothing, then the biggest bombshell devestated us.

All our devices were examined - some returned - some were destroyed. I'd put a sledge hammer through it all but this technology has took over our lives and we now rely on it - good and bad......

Don't make any life changing decisions, staying strong and try to take each day as it comes. Good advice but unfortunately it's hard to do....

big hug x


Member since
September 2021

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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 10:34amReport post

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Edited Fri November 18, 2022 2:59pm


Member since
April 2021

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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 10:54amReport post

Hi Feelsick,

IP addresses are linked to a property/address and not a device so that is why all devices will have been seized although the police will sometimes have a make/model of a phone they know they are looking for. As Lee said IP addresses can be reliable but sometimes are not. In our case all devices came back clear after five months. No charges but no answers either, free to get on with our lives but it will always hang over us.

You won't get specifics on the evidence at this stage. Keep asking questions, unfortunately only your partner will have the answers.


Member since
July 2021

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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 11:43amReport post

Hi Feelsick,

Sorry to hear about your troubles. Please do not worry as there are many instances in which the police have rubbish information to go off and will always make you feel as though your partner is guilty to try and get you to say things which make their case stronger.

At the moment it will be a waiting game and you can only really go off what your partner says. The phones will come back and clear up any doubt. Stay strong and don't let the police bully you. It's an absolutely awful thing to go through, takes ages to investigate and fills you with worries and anxiety but regardless, you can get through it.

Sending love.


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July 2021

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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 11:50amReport post

Apologies, forgot to add the severity in my warning about the Police - the Police told me my partner had been up to no good behind my back and were ADAMANT in their hate campaign against him. The conversation which he got arrested for took place long before we were together and they knew that. Please don't listen to anything they say which try and turn you against him unless there is evidence presented to your own eyes which say otherwise. The only thing I cannot advise with is if social services become involved as I have read that not playing ball with them can have negative consequences so please ask for advice if they do become involved.


Smile through tears

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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 12:45pmReport post

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Edited Thu September 23, 2021 1:48pm


Member since
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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 1:24pmReport post

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Edited Fri November 18, 2022 2:59pm


Member since
April 2021

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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 1:34pmReport post

I would advise the police you had long term house guests at one stage, they should have given you the timeframe the offence happened, usually the month and year and not the exact date. You could tell from this if it coincided with the other FM staying.


Member since
July 2021

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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 2:26pmReport post

It is definitely possible that your FM could be the person who accessed something they shouldn't. If you offer that information to the Police then what has happened to you may happen to them also - arrested/phone seized etc. If you do tell the Police then don't tell your FM what has happened as it will give them opportunity to dispose of their phone/iCloud account etc.


Member since
May 2021

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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 8:09pmReport post

Hi feelsick

As many have said in this conversation the IP address is the location and they get this from the internet service provider. Unless the police have other indicating factors as evidence, if they are only acting on an IP address then thats why they look at all the devices in the household. What people sometimes forget is that the internet is that little box in the corner of the room and if you have ever given any one your password if they have stayed then they have also used your internet. The other thing that a lot of people dont realise is that many internet service providers like BT and others allow the routers in your property to act as a hotspot, it was one of BT big marketing campaigns that if you had BT internet you could access the internet wireless anyware, a person does this by using there account to log in to the service providers website which then searches fro the nearest router and uses Wi-Fi to piggy back onto it so they can use the internet,and the IP address that that Mobile emits is the router they have piggy backed onto.

So I cant stress the importance that if your partner/relative or friend is arrested and police are acting on IP information only untill those devises comeback and have been checked do not make any hasty decissions


Member since
September 2021

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Posted Thu September 23, 2021 11:26pmReport post

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Edited Fri November 18, 2022 2:59pm