Family and Friends Forum


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Fri March 1, 2019 3:02pmReport post

I'm extremely lucky but feeling totally overwhelmed. My husband was telling the truth, he's been sentenced, we have had no issues so far over press article, my husband is committed to ensuring it never happens again (sexual communication with a minor, although he didn't actually communicate with a minor), he takes full responsibility for his actions and is extremely remorseful. We have come a long way. I've recieved an official apology from social services for their disgraceful service/behaviour. The new social worker is nice (im still doing their job for them but you cant have everything!)but i feel totally floored having to do everything again with them, dealing with the emotions of his conviction and the practice issues associated with it. No one knows anything or can answer any questions and I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders but i keep being told now courts over we can move on and get life back to normal by relatives/friends. There's no help or advice from anywhere but stop it now. I'm having councelling and cbt but while I cope very well I just dont know how to handle all of this crazy situation. Sorry just feeling very emotionally drained.


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Fri March 1, 2019 7:13pmReport post


i have just seen this so sorry for late response.

sending you lots of love, your not alone in this there is no time frame for dealing with this. I imagine you just held it together and now the court is over it’s hitting you. It’s been a huge trauma and transition to a new lifestyle. I think it’s good your husband was honest that’s something positive for you.

so pleased you have the counselling and safe space to talk and the forum.

it takes a huge amount of courage to get through this, and I think the impact lasts a long time xxx


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Fri March 1, 2019 8:15pmReport post

I think it's like we all know, sometimes we coast along for a few days or even a week or 2 thinking we have this sussed then something happens and bang, back to feeling like crap again.

You know your doing so well, be easy on yourself, you can't carry this without it having an effect.

Just take it a day at a time and remember to lean on others sometimes not just be other people's prop



Member since
November 2018

41 posts

Posted Fri March 1, 2019 9:18pmReport post

So sorry to hear you’re struggling María, especially as you are always so kind and supportive to others with your words of wisdom. I expect you’ve been holding it all together for so long that now you’ve reached this new turning point you’re exhausted and have lost a sense of just being your natural self. Is there something you really enjoy doing that you haven’t done for a while? Perhaps it’s time to think about something that would make you feel happy and alive again. You have given so much of yourself to those around you, and have had to be the strong one.

I wish you well and hope that this disorientation soon leaves you. Do take care and be gentle with yourself. I do wish there was a way of us all being able to meet up for the occasional support day.


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Sat March 2, 2019 11:08amReport post

Thank You, it's so lovely to have you all for advice and support, it really does help to get through the difficult days.