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Member since
September 2021

1 post

Posted Fri September 24, 2021 2:16pmReport post

Hello All,

i haven't talked to anyone in my own life about this other than my husband and could really do with some advice or hearing other people's experiences.

My husband was arrested on distributing IIOC. The polic have told me that he has done this twice. He was caught using Kik and he had verfied his email address. He has said that he used Kik to view porn (of adults) and sometimes people would share images of children. He said that initially he would report people but felt it made no difference so just blocked their numbers and carried on downloading porn. He now says that he saw IIOC kicking about and may have downloaded some by accident but is insisting that he didn't watch them and always deleted them as soon as he realised that they were kids not adults. So, in theory they will be visible on his phone but f checked properly, they will back up his account???

The police and social services have both given me very mixed messages. On the day of his arrest the PC went to great lengths to insist that he could come on a family holiday under the terms of his bail, and in my update wrote as much about if he isn't guilty as she did about anything else. Both Police and social services are encouraging him to move back in and have lots of supervised contact with our children. Is this standard? They've both said that there is no evidence to suggest that the children have been harmed or that he is a threat to them in any way and I am capable of keeping them safe. Am i reading too much into this? The only things that I can find out from solicitors is that he will be on the sex offenders register and never be allowed unsupervised contact so why are they promoting him moving back in?


Member since
July 2021

98 posts

Posted Mon September 27, 2021 10:05pmReport post

Hi Rach99ele99,

I noticed that this is your first post so thought I would bump it hoping some of the other users here can help and offer some better advice/thoughts.

For me, I would say trust your gut. If you feel something isn't right and that your husbands story is changing, it is probably because he isn't being totally honest with you (sorry if that is hard to hear, I hope I'm wrong). However, with regards to your question, I think yes - if he has downloaded them by accident and they have not been opened, then this would be favourable. I think forensics can identify if images have been viewed but others will correct me if I have misunderstood this - I am still learning myself!

I also do not have involvement from social services but I think it is good if social services are continuing to support contact. As the access is supervised and you have been assessed as protective they may feel the risk to your children is minimised. How old are your children if you don't mind me asking?

As for your solicitor, if your husband pleads or is found guilty then he will have to sign the Sex Offenders Register but I am not sure how unsupervised contact works sorry. I think this is very much the opinion of social services, but to me it sounds like both the PC and social services are knowledgeable of these offences if they are pushing for him to come home. Online offences rarely result in contact offences so perhaps they understand the importance of supporting families rather than tearing them apart.

I hope this helps but I just wanted to say well done for reaching out too. It can be incredibly daunting and diffcult to post but this forum is like having a friend we never knew we needed. x


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Mon September 27, 2021 10:23pmReport post

Hi Rach,

From what I've seen online there can be mitigating factors for having iioc sent to you, as long as you haven't had it on your device for a reasonable time - saved it etc then it can be argued that it wasn't wanted so not guilty. The forensics should be able to see exactly what was sent etc but depending on what comes back it may be worth paying for a private forensics.

Please go through this forum and read through a lot of the posts. There's so much useful information throughout it which can prepare you for everything to come and how to handle it. You're not alone.

Big hugs xxx