Family and Friends Forum

He’s been sentenced!!

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Member since
October 2020

14 posts


My ex husband was sentenced yesterday- over 2years for 600 cat A photos and videos. Possession and production. Probation recommended non custodial sentence and he's done every course under the sun since arrest to get help.
No idea where he is or how he is.

Does anyone know how you find anything out about where they are or how they are?

I'm very worried about him and his safety in prison.

Posted Fri September 24, 2021 5:03pm
Edited Fri September 24, 2021 5:03pmReport post


Member since
May 2021

98 posts

Hi conifer

sorry to hear this, I would imagin you are very worried.

Some one sentenced would normally be taken to the local prison, sometimes referred to as a dispersal prison. This is where a prisoner is assessed before they are moved on to more specialist estates. There are times when prisoners can also be kept at local dispersal prisons.

if you know your local prison and its location then you could give them a call and asked to speak to someone in the safer custody team.

if you are unsure on your local prisons and their locations then you can use the government website to find a prison. If you google find a prisoner it will bring up the first option which is the government website and just follow the instructions and email them.

upon entering the prison person convicted of these types of offences will be placed on the vulnerable prisoners unit which is an area that is a lot safer than the main prison. The majority of people on a vulnerable prisoners unit will be convicted of similar offences and the atmosphere is a lot calmer and less noisier than a main wing

your relative will have an assessment by medical and also by the prison officers as well as an induction which is normally held over the space of around about five days

normally upon entry into prison a person will get a phone call but that does take time to get set up depending upon the prison and if there is a representative from the charity prisoners families and sometimes they make the call to the relative to let them know what prison they are in but with Covid that is all up in the air.

Unless the prison is set up to hold long-term vulnerable prisoners due to the length of sentence it is quite possible that he may be moved to a more suitable prison that deals with these types of offences if this happens he will be informed. These prisons are better suited and have a much more quieter atmosphere as the majority of men are serving at the same types of sentences for the same types of crimes these prisons will also have more access to psychology courses and sex offender treatment programs

Posted Fri September 24, 2021 9:41pmReport post

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2673 posts

Yes this happened to my boy. Prison is not like what was portrayed on a recent drama..... obv we're talking prison so in its nature you'll probably witness (rare) 'incidents' and safeguarding is took very seriously

He was nervous in the local prison and in the vunerable wing (there were listeners and he had support) but moved on and now in a second 'training/specialist' prison. Inmates do not discuss their crime and it's all about rehabilitation / so try not to worry too much.

Posted Sun October 3, 2021 6:44am
Edited Sun October 3, 2021 6:49amReport post

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