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Today's Guardian Report

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September 2019

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 8:56amReport post

The Guardian Newspaper has published a report regarding a secret study of 'on line behaviour' of men who look at and search for child abuse images...

They initially thought only about 200 results would be collected however were shocked to receive over 10,000 answers to their survey which was uploaded onto the dark web.

The most horrifying bit of the article is the fact the majority began looking at child abuse images when they were themselves under 13 years of age ....This is a staggering statistic and should set off alarm bells in government...

It finishes with a quote from the National Crime Agency stating that those arrested in the UK every month for this crime has increased to 850....

Society cannot continue burying its head in the ground regarding this issue, the internet is a cess pit and seriously needs reforms and legislation regarding its content.

Sadly they quoted a huge amount of support networks but Stop It Now never even got a mention.....Maybe they can have a word and get the article amended...


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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 9:55amReport post

Hi Snowdrop,

"More than 50% of those who admitted to watching online child abuse said they were not seeking these images out when they were first exposed to illegal material."

That is an alarming amount of people who stumble into it, how is it possible if enough work goes into making the internet a safe place? If people aren't seeking it then that would say to me they aren't interested and therefore don't pose a threat? So much more research needs to be put into this but looking on here when you see the amount of time and resources which go into securing a case or conviction for very flimsy/minor cases it tells us that they'll never tackle what really needs to be tackled.

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 10:03amReport post

The internet and what's available on it has a lot to answer for. While it's brilliant and we all use it in our lives - it has a nasty evil side that needs to be controlled and nipped in the bud, so these evil images do not exist in the first place.

Edited Mon September 27, 2021 10:43am


Member since
September 2019

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 10:40amReport post


I agree entirely with your comments... Twitter, Instagram, Kik etc are infested with child abuse images or conversation.

In America Twitter is being sued after a victim aged 13 had images uploaded onto the forum and they refused to remove them stating it was a public forum....go figure!!

I believe they used the dark web for the survey as they would not of got truthful feedback using an open and visible format as this crime is such a taboo subject .

The quote from the NCA regarding contact offences is ridiculous....All they are doing is feeding into the frenzy of the same dickheads who carry out vigilante stings for click bait on FB and other clown's like UK Database....

Finally it's depressing you never get two sides of the story in any media report.... perhaps LFF can contact them and give the them the head's up about factual information and not inuendo....


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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 10:41amReport post

Hi Lee,

I hear wat u r saying but our first sw, said my hubby must have gone on to the dark Web because that's where u find all this stuff it can't possibly be that easy to find, shows how much they actually no. My hubby had a porn addiction and just typed in stuff he thought was adult pork or clicked on things without looking and just downloaded it, he wouldn't no how to get in the dark Web we didn't even no wat that thing is to hide ur ip address the policeman had to explain it to us


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July 2021

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 12:11pmReport post

The other day I came across a video on Twitter which was a cartoon cat having sex with a cartoon man, it was there for anyone to see and went on for quite a while. I know this is different to iioc but I'm sure that this would be deemed illegal in the eyes of the law as it emulates bestiality? Regardless of whether it is or isn't it was still disgusting and weird, the amount of people who had seen it and interacted with it. Made me wonder what else is actually buried in Twitter and can be accessed by anyone including children and such a video could result in people trying to find more and ending up down the dark path....

furthermore, the cartoon video was very graphic and detailed!

Edited Mon September 27, 2021 12:11pm


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January 2021

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Posted Fri October 1, 2021 12:39pmReport post

Hi lee unfortunately I know of a case where contact abuse is currently happening during investigation and has a link to what is on the devices. Also when channel 4 did the documentary some was contact offenders.

Can't say too much more.


Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Fri October 1, 2021 4:08pmReport post

In my opinion something that COULD happen - won't necessarily happen. Im sure there's a lot of men that view this stuff and that's as far as it goes, it is wrong to say this behaviour progresses for all.

Edited Fri October 1, 2021 4:23pm


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January 2021

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Posted Thu October 7, 2021 11:24pmReport post

Hi Lee

I have not twisted your words.

Your words was

As for the NCA saying they see a direct link between on line offending and contact abuse I havent seen one case ( or spoken to anyone affected by this) where that escalation has happened.

So I said that this is happening right now.

I understand the frustrations and do think the nca should put stats on various offenders/offence etc. My view individuallly is I think if alot of offenders didnt reach out for help then yes it could turn into contact abuse.

Smile through tears

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Posted Fri October 8, 2021 9:40amReport post

In our FM's case looking at a few pictures did esculate but like you say it's not the same for all.

What breaks my heart is there's hundreds of Senarios why this behaviour happens but in the public's eye your deemed a nasty little evil pervert and not someone who needs help.


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Posted Sat October 9, 2021 7:57pmReport post

Lee I can honestly say from yours and others post they have helped me massively in this journey regarding my ex and to understand it all. The frustration for me is that so many of you on here plus the offenders you are all connected with are jumping through every hoop possible. My ex is denying everything, doing absolutely nothing to help himself and is now neglecting a minor he has direct contact with via medical abuse and other forms of abuse. The worse part is no one is doing anything about it. And we are also still awaiting CPS decision, but there is other factors which I think are delaying this. Hopefully I will get to post what has happened one day and I know everyone on here is going to be angry at just how much has gone on. Although I do think the CPS might be building a massive case against him for a number of reasons which again the position I can't actually speak about right now. It's absolutely disgusting what is going on. I honestly can't wait for it all to be over with!

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Sun October 10, 2021 5:56amReport post

Have you noticed though - beginning with the first slaughter report of the crime - all the media focus is on men that reoffend - have glee where bad things happen with vigilante's and 'lags' in prison. Wallow in programmes on preditory pedafiles - that whips up hate and misunderstanding.

You rarely see a programme that focusses on stories, why men go down this path, where men have worked hard to overcome this crime, go on to lead normal lives etc. How treatment programmes work etc. It just seems such an incredible unfair balance.

Edited Sun October 10, 2021 5:58am

Smile through tears

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Posted Sun October 10, 2021 9:07amReport post

Well said.....


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Posted Sun October 10, 2021 11:25amReport post

I have just seen an item on BBC news online, Uk, Bristol region "Should sex offenders ' voices ever be heard?" and it is about tentative efforts by Police in that area to raise awareness of how people can be sucked into viewing illegal images by heavy use of online pornography . The article mentions LFF and talks to a repeat offender about his experience, what his behaviour has cost him and where help can be sourced before getting into trouble with the police.

I think this is a commendable effort but predictably there were many responses on the police Facebook page saying sex offenders should not be given a platform to tell us now bad life has been for them. And the BBC has also quoted an abuse survivor saying the sex offender is being portrayed as a victim and this is wrong.

Of course we know cases of porn addiction are growing fast and police are clearly realising legal services are in danger of becoming overwhelmed by this issue. A change in approach is definitely needed to educate the public and reach out to potential and actual offenders in order to turn the tide, but this needs to be matched by greater resources; we can't all be referred to LFF

Anyway I thought this was interesting and wondered if any other police force is doing anything similar.

Hope you all have a good Sunday

Edited Sun October 10, 2021 11:35am

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Sun October 10, 2021 5:21pmReport post

A very interesting read.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Mon October 11, 2021 4:49amReport post

I agreed with the item in the Bristol press how too much police time is took up finding these men out as they commit on line crime, are severely punished which will affect their whole life without exploring reasons WHY it started in the first place....

After a year in prison my boy has received NO assessments, NO treatment and NO education. I feel he's just been thrown in a cell to rot. Many folk would say ' that's good' but he desperately wants to rebuild and move forward. I complained all he got was "your on the educationlist" and a medical appointment that never happened.
it's disgusting...... but I'll continue the fight from the outside.....

Edited Mon October 11, 2021 4:53am