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My worst nightmare

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Member since
September 2021

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 12:09pmReport post

We got the knock on 16.9. Police informed us my partner's son,20, had been arrested for indecent images of children online. Bad enough, but then they inform us he has been engaging in online chat about horrific things he wanted to do to my daughter, 10, his half sister. He also posted family pictures online of her for them to see.

Don't know how to feel. OH family are hoping for a caution which I can't even comprehend. I'm so angry and hurt. I always thought I'd kept her safe. Now I don't know what to think. OH shuts down whenever I try to talk. Help!

Edited Mon September 27, 2021 3:50pm


Member since
July 2021

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 2:46pmReport post

I can't imagine how you must feel. Sending big hugs. Has anyone spoken to your partner's son? I imagine it's very difficult at the moment if your partner has shut down. It sounds like it's been very factual in what they've said in that you're aware of what's gone on, had anybody had your partner's son confirm it or any explanation? Xx


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September 2021

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 3:51pmReport post

He was bailed to his mum's. Refused to engage with his dad.


Member since
September 2021

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 3:52pmReport post

Police think he didn't actually do what he'd said he did to her. I just can't get my head round it all.

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

145 posts

Posted Mon September 27, 2021 6:05pmReport post

Sending lots of love, this must be immensely traumatic for you.

My son confessed to abusing his sister but hadn't. He was suffering from a psychotic break and had lost touch with reality.

The what ifs, facing the possibility that he had done something, had considered doing something, wanted to do something would have done something etc etc spin round in your head over and over and it's a soul destroying process. I still live in fear of these what ifs.

I'd definitely recommend counselling if it's something you feel able to engage with. Stopso may be able to offer you and your daughter (if relevant) sessions to process everything. Definitely make as much time as you can for self care.

If your partner won't talk to you, do you have someone you can confide in that you trust?

You could try written notes between you and your partner if you're both willing, as a way to discuss without either party becoming overwhelmed.

My partner is not the father of any of my children but we had a long term, very close relationship and my children all consider him their step dad.

My relationship survived but we did not know if it would. The trauma is extensive. We talked really honestly and openly a lot, were overwhelmed a lot and it was so hard for both of us.

I don't want to sound negative or like I'm telling you what you should do, but I honestly don't think you will be able to get through this as a couple without discussing it in some way in the near future.

Many people, young boys and men in particular have a disconnect between online behaviour and offline behaviour. It can feel like a platform where you can cross all boundaries without consequence but that doesn't mean those boundaries have been or would ever be crossed.

I find it helpful to think of how many people enjoy watching horror and gory movies where people harm others in crazy ways. There certainly aren't that many sadistic killers on the loose in reality..

Edited Mon September 27, 2021 6:26pm


Member since
September 2021

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 7:27pmReport post

Thank you so much for that - at the minute I feel so alone so it's reassuring to know I'm not. So, thank you.

I fear for my relationship - 3 weeks ago we were looking at wedding venues, now we're engaging in small talk and tiptoeing round each other. Both of us have said we want to get through this together, but I also know there are very dark and difficult times ahead.

Brother is a supposedly intelligent man, but this has just proved us so wrong. The hurt and betrayal and pure anger I feel is tearing me apart. Plus I'm absolutely furious that he refuses to see or speak to his dad, the person he has hopefully hurt the most in this. How dare he control the narrative and try to gather sympathy by shutting himself away and letting everyone worry?

Sorry, I'm ranting, but at present this is my only outlet.

I'm so pleased you've made it through this as a family. I hope I can tell the same story one day xx

Edited Mon September 27, 2021 7:29pm

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 7:51pmReport post

I'm glad I've been able to offer a little comfort, I truly wish I could offer more.

Many people will say one step at a time, one day at a time and try (not that it's possible but try) not to worry about the future. It's a long process (we're 7 months in) and nothing will change by worrying.

Shock and naturally high emotions will make it difficult to think clearly for some time so take it slowly and don't make big decisions.

Try focus on each of your wellbeing in the here and now.

I absolutely thought my relationship was over in those early days. I felt I couldn't ask anyone to go through this horror with me and he couldn't honestly tell me he would or could stay.

But we worked through it and have come out stronger than ever. We're also looking to get married in the near future - and although things are still up in the air and tough with regards to police outcome and my son's health - we're still very happy in our relationship.

It's a huge thing to go through as a couple but it's not necessarily the end.

We're actually not through with the nightmare yet I'm afraid, but at least we're now at a point of knowing the truth for ourselves and understanding more about my son's mental health condition.

I can only guess if course but I imagine your partners son is ashamed and terrified of the consequences of his actions and whilst I understand it's far from the top of your worries right now he'll be facing up to the reality of every aspect of his life being changed for the forseeable future.

I hope you or your partner are able to talk to him soon and get some answers. Xx


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May 2021

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Posted Mon September 27, 2021 8:35pmReport post

It is really important to feel angry. To feel furious for so many reasons. It is not okay for him to have done this and anger is a rational response as it fuels your fight or flight instincts. I feel like many of us would be horrified, or kidding ourselves, if we didn't feel anger at finding out something so terrible and difficult to understand.

It is one emotion among many that these incidents provoke. Desperate sadness, fear, shock, grief, depression. Feeling them is an important (and awfully hard) part of the process. Trying not to make big decisions while in the middle of huge emotions can be really tough, but your rational self is on hold at those times. Give yourself space and time.

While not contacting his father may seem bad and cowardly I can only guess that he is in shock too. I know when my partner was arrested (iioc) he said it felt like he was suddenly sober and only then actually realised what he had done. He was a total mess and even months down the line his reactions to things now can be so selfish and self centered but I have learnt that it is because he has no room for the pain of others when he has so much pain and guilt himself.

The fear and instinct to protect your daughter must be overwhelming. There is an awful lot you are going to have to deal with. But you are not alone xx


Member since
September 2021

21 posts

Posted Tue September 28, 2021 10:47amReport post

Thank you - you are helping more than you know! I've spent the last week screaming for help from the GP and the last 24 hours on here have helped far more!

Since my daughter was born, my biggest fear was that she would be abused. I've watched documentaries, read books, and have almost fed what I thought was an irrational fear. Partners son has always known this too. It's a bit of an in-joke with people who know me. And all the while, it was there.

I need so many answers that I know I won't receive for some time. We still don't know the volume of images, but do know that they were across all cats. Police are still looking through devices and I have no idea how long that can take.

I guess everyone's first question in this scenario is why? I need to know which family photos he put out there - I can't look at my favourite pic of my then 6 year old girl at my sisters wedding. Then at least I can deal with that emotionally.

I wanted to know what he'd said in these chats and although I know some, I don't believe we know the full picture. And because of my homework, I'm filling in all the gaps myself. All my head keeps saying is that I couldn't keep her safe...


Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

145 posts

Posted Tue September 28, 2021 11:24amReport post

You have done nothing wrong. Nothing.

I was filled with guilt and shame, it still lingers but I recognise it is irrational, I hope you can too. Your partners son is responsible and accountable for his actions and no-one else.

Have you spoken to your daughters school? They were a surprising source of comfort for me, simply supportive with no judgement, as well as providing lots of support opportunities for my daughter. Perhaps they can offer you something, they may have access to counselling or other services more quickly than the GP.

I'm assuming social services are also involved? You can ask them if they can provide any support as well, for all of you.

You will no doubt have done everything you can to keep your daughter safe in the past with the knowledge available to you at the time.

Your perspective is now changed with this new information and hindsight but this does not change the fact you acted appropriately with the information available at the time.

Be kind to yourself, you're going through an immensely traumatic experience. I'm sure you're an amazing parent, it shows in how you feel and how worried you are about your daughter. xx

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Tue September 28, 2021 12:38pmReport post

You will continue to churn every thing over and over again. As a parent you wonder why didn't you spot it / were you at fault.... we gave our kids everything possible but when they grow up they go on to make their own choices and have to pay the consequences when things go wrong.

I never knew the full outcome of what my boy did, going to court would have distroyed us - we feel the same now about prison visits! What information we knew was enough for us to bare.

Take your time - don't try and make everything right in one day, it's a long journey....

Edited Tue September 28, 2021 12:39pm


Member since
September 2021

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Posted Tue September 28, 2021 2:53pmReport post

I'm having the best of the bad days so far today. I've tried to keep busy and do things that will make me and my girl feel better. She has no idea what is going on, just knows I'm really sad and her brother is in trouble. There are no obvious indicating that he has done what he said he has to her. That is my one hope.

This forum is amazing. It's a devastating club to be part of, but the support in here is phenomenal xx


Member since
May 2021

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Posted Tue September 28, 2021 7:09pmReport post

JSR, just want to send you a hug. The early days are so shocking and incomprehensible; don't make any rash decisions - just breathe, take time for yourself, read and inform yourself as much as possible, visit this forum because we all understand what you're going through xx


Member since
September 2021

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Posted Tue September 28, 2021 7:28pmReport post

Thank you xx

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Tue September 28, 2021 8:50pmReport post

It never leaves your mind but life develops a 'new' normal.....