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Divorce advice

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Member since
September 2021

3 posts

Posted Tue September 28, 2021 6:52amReport post

Can anyone recommend a lawyer with experience of negotiating financial settlements for wives divorcing men because of viewing indecent images? Before he was caught and sentenced my husband was a earning a comfortable salary and had a good pension. I gave up my career for 17 years to bring up our children and did not have my own private pension.

I asked my husband to leave our home the day he was caught as he was abusive. He began a relationship with someone else 6 months after we separated, which I did not find out until his case came to court 2 years later. My husband will not be able to work again in his profession as it would require a DBS check and he will be on the SOR for 10 years, past his retirement age.

Leaving aside the huge and ongoing trauma caused by his behaviour, the financial impact is immense. I have a tiny pension which I will not be able to live on and his has been valued at twenty times more than mine. He has also inherited a significant sum of money which means that he and his partner wil be able to live reasonably comfortably. We are still going through the financial settlement for various reasons, but his solicitor has advised him that he does not have to declare any funds he came into after we separated.

It is my understanding that while money you come into after you separated is not usually considered part of a divorce settlement there's no set rule. While one party's behaviour is not usually taken into account in a financial settlement I feel that the financial impact of his behaviour is such that I could reasonably make a case for this and ask him to share some of his inheritance with me.

However, I've found it impossible to find a lawyer with an experience of negotiating a financial settlement based on the impact of her husband accessing indecent images - has anyone else done this?

Edited Tue September 28, 2021 6:55am