Family and Friends Forum

Question re Voluntary Interview

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Member since
July 2021

22 posts

Posted Tue September 28, 2021 6:47pmReport post

Hi, just a quick question about something I've recently read on here as I don't think I am getting the full story from my partner unfortuantley.

He was arrested but wasn't taken to the police station that day, he attended a Voluntary interview 4 days later. Within that voluntary interview, would they have told him what they suspected him of looking at, would they have known at that moment in time? And would specifics have been discussed in the interview?

Some devices taken on the day and released under investigation. Waiting game and I'm going up the wall to be honest, every day is new questions in my head, doesnt help that he has given me reasons not to trust him the past which stupidly I forgave.

Thank you


Member since
July 2021

22 posts

Posted Wed September 29, 2021 7:14pmReport post

Any help really appreciated.

Thank you


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Wed September 29, 2021 7:34pmReport post

Hi confused...

Just a little advice regarding his arrest and voluntary interview...your partner would not of been arrested on a whim by the police. They would of needed evidence to support their application for a search warrant. This application is viewed by judge/Magistrate etc to see if it meets the evidential threshold.

Following his arrest he legally must be cautioned (verbally) and informed what grounds he's been arrested for what crime ... indecent image's.... communication with a child ...etc.

He would of been offered legal representation....this is mandatory even for a volunteer interview and is recorded on the custody record....most custody suite's have duty solicitors....they are useful at the beginning but be weary as they are in regular contact with investigating offices and become very pally....This is not what you want when accused of this crime ..

He will have been told what they suspect and asked to give an explanation.... However most solicitors recommend saying no comment as police have occasionally simply had little evidence and then gone on a fishing exercise.

Hope this helps a little...


Member since
July 2021

22 posts

Posted Wed September 29, 2021 7:47pmReport post


Thanks for responding. He said he was arrested for viewing indecent images. He had a solicitor in the voluntary interview and said no comment. I have just been reading here and trying to get my head around everything. I'm concerned about the amount, what else they could find, is it only indecent images or does it go deeper than that....would the police have known the amount, frequency, websites etc when they came to the house??

I just feel lost to be honest. I suppose it doesn't matter, he's still done it and admitted to me has done it. I just feel like there is stuff he is not telling me. And I don't feel like he is supporting me the same why I have tried and attempted to support him since arrest, don't even know why I am still in the same house to be honest..... :-(