Family and Friends Forum

Probation service

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Member since
December 2018

46 posts

Posted Tue March 5, 2019 11:22amReport post

How do u all find the probation officer in your case.. my sons is less than useless, he is absolutely hopeless. My son asks him questions and the only reply he gets is"i dont know,ill have to ask my boss" on returning to the next appointment he still doesnt have answers to the previous weeks questions, or the weeks before. How are these supposed to help if they cant answer simple questions... x


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Tue March 5, 2019 11:37amReport post

I haven't met my husband's probation officer yet but he has had the same response to some questions hes asked. If its something important he will need to keep asking for the answer or ask to speak to/email the boss. I find now hes through the system there is little advice or help, if you have never been in trouble before its all very confusing. I can see how some people end up in more trouble, we are proactive in pressing for information and finding out what needs to be done but if your not like that I can see how things could just end up worse.


Member since
October 2018

19 posts

Posted Tue March 5, 2019 10:02pmReport post

Hi, my husband's probation officer is brilliant. If we have any questions he answers them, he is very encouraging as well.