Family and Friends Forum

Enhanced DBS

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March 2019

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Posted Thu September 30, 2021 2:31pmReport post


I'm thinking of changing my job, and I will need an enhanced DBS check, will my ex husbands conviction show up on it? He hasn't lived here from day one of the knock and I got divorced within 6 months. I was hoping to start my own childminding job from my home.


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Posted Thu September 30, 2021 3:02pmReport post

Your husbands conviction will definitely not be on there x


Member since
March 2021

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Posted Thu September 30, 2021 3:48pmReport post

Hi cher

I had my first enhanced DBS a few weeks ago, was worried about it too. Nothing was on there and my hub still lives with me.



Member since
March 2019

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Posted Thu September 30, 2021 5:08pmReport post

Thank you ladies, that's a lot of my mind. X


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May 2021

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Posted Fri October 1, 2021 6:09pmReport post

Although it is unlikely it can happy, and all comes down to a number of things, the police force you are under and the nature of the job that you are applying for. An enhanced DBS does give the police the power to disclose police intelligence on the back of an enhanced DBS, sadly toy will not know if something is being disclosed untill the DSB turns up.

Information that can be disclosed if it deemed relevant to the nature of the job being applied for

Findings of innocenceAcquittalsCautions and convictions of those that you live withOther Police intelligence (including allegations)

If you do have a enhanced DBS that turns up and something has been disclosed, my advice would be to contact Unlock, they will go over the process of making an application to the independent monitor to make representations to have it removed.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Sat October 2, 2021 7:16amReport post

Unfortunately my Enhanced DBS did alert the company I worked for ( I worked with children) after my family member was 'found out'......

The whole situation was intolerable. Although completely innocent and unaware of what had been going on - I decided to resign. I should think you'll be ok as your divorced and if you have no contact with your husband.

Let us know the outcome....

Edited Sat October 2, 2021 7:29am

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Sat October 2, 2021 8:10amReport post

I can see once it came out in the media it would have been difficult for them as a business, but I often think I hope people didn't suspect ME of being involved. That still haunts me....


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March 2021

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Posted Sat October 2, 2021 10:03amReport post

This is so unfair how everyone treated differently, it's being constantly punished.

I just wanted to say I work for a children's charity. I informed my manager how upset about having a DBS . They contacted HR, the manager was the one who dealt with it, so if it came back with something on they would be the only one who knew.

It came back clear. My hub ask the OIC about it and he said it wouldn't go on my DBS as it was not my crime.

I'm so sorry for those who have to fight again for something they didn't do, and to have to go for another long process to get it remove.

Take care


Edited Sat October 2, 2021 10:26am

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Sat October 2, 2021 11:53amReport post

Yes it is so unfair..... I was too exhausted to fight it at the time. When it came to the media slaughter I wouldn't have stood a chance of keeping my job.....

Edited Sat October 2, 2021 11:57am

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Sat October 2, 2021 11:53amReport post

Post deleted by user

Edited Sat October 2, 2021 11:54am


Member since
March 2019

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Posted Mon October 4, 2021 2:23pmReport post

I now feel there is no point in me, going to college to get a qualification to be then told, no you can't be a childminder because of something someone else did, it's so disgusting that we are punished for a crime we didn't commit!!


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March 2019

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Posted Mon October 4, 2021 5:27pmReport post

Thank you Lost123 and wow, you are such a strong lady! Because I've been diagnosed with PTSD becauseof all this, I don't know if I'm strong enough to have another battle. Buts thanks for the advice, it's good to know. X


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May 2021

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Posted Mon October 4, 2021 7:33pmReport post

One of the reasons there are different processes in different parts of the country is that it is not DBS that make the decission to disclose this information, when an enhanced DBS application is submitted when it gets to stage 3 or 4 I can't remember which, DBS send it out to the police forces to see if they hold any local information they believe relevant to the job being applied for, there are set guildlines for this, and any information that is disclsoed is disclosed in the name of the chief counstable or there appointed designated person, there will be a department in each force that there job is to look at the disclosure of police information and each force will interpret the rule diffrently and each follow different processes.

For example some forces will write ot the person to inform them that they plan to disclose police information and will give that person a timeframe to make representations if they do not agree with the representations they then disclose the information once the DBS is back it is then up to that person to make representations to the independent monitor.

in some police forces they don't even write to the person beforehand they will just disclose the information if they believe it relevant it is then up to that person to make application to the independent monitor

The whole system is antiquated and totally out of touch with the situations that are going on


Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Posted Fri October 8, 2021 10:14amReport post

Hi, everyone, I was wondering, could I apply for an enhanced DBS check myself, then I would know what they would put on it?


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Fri October 8, 2021 12:33pmReport post

I have an enhanced DBS through the the update service. I paid my annual subscription a while ago and nothing has showed up on my renewal.