Family and Friends Forum

Feeling down and anxious

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Member since
August 2021

49 posts

Posted Fri October 1, 2021 1:55pmReport post

Hi everyone,

It's been a few weeks since I looked on here and today I was draw to look, I woke up feeling really down and sad and my anxiety was intense. I contacted a local organisation who helps people with mental health and gives counselling for people struggling so I had really high hopes which were soon shot down.

They assessed me and said that I have severe anxiety and severe low mood and depression. Which in this case is normal with this investigation going on, they then said I couldn't give me support because they don't think my mental health is effected even though my anxiety and depression is severe... and because it was to early on they can't offer help.

I felt so abandoned as I have no support at home from my family on my partner and his family support me.

I have began to have nightmare now and I wake up feeling anxious and I can't go out in public with my partner because I'm scared the people from my previous work will see and I'm worried my ex boss told them why I left (worked I a nursery) so my life revolves around avoiding being seen by them.

Today I feel so funny, I feel like I'm living out of my body and I'm holding back tears.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Fri October 1, 2021 2:25pmReport post

Bless you. How we've all been there, I had such pain both emotional and physical when my boy was 'found out' and the months that followed, it is a dreadful place to be.

I rang the Samaritans when I was down and not being nasty - I'm sure they do amazing work - but they had absolutely nothing to offer me.

You'll read time after time on this forum - grit your teeth and life will settle. It poss won't be like it was but you'll find a new 'normal'....



Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Fri October 1, 2021 11:06pmReport post

Hi Lish97,

Sorry ur having a bad day and u r feeling alone and like no one wants to help u, I no how that's feels because up until a couple of months ago I don't think any one took my depression seriously, I've had it on and of for the last 17 years but when we have traumas like this it sends us right to the beginning, I ended up having ago at the lovely nurse who was our main contact with the doctors as we were on ccp and told her how I knew how other people with depression where getting taken more seriously because they visited hospital every other week ( sorry not saying that person isn't having points and I do feel for them ) but because I couldn't do that because I have children to look after and the fear of them being taken off me I wasn't being taken seriously enough, I ranted and raved for a good hour, I was referred to the local mental health team and referred to a women's help centre, I shouldn't of had to lose the plot like that to get the right help but it worked. Just keep going to the docs too tell them how u feel, talk on here people will listen, I no how u also feel about being seen out with ur other half by ex work colleagues, I won't shop now in my local asda we going out of town and when go out as a family we go to places I no won't be busy, it is so hard because we no there is more to it than wat it just appears to be, but people see the bad in wat they have done, I understand y and I use to agree, but now u see things differently xxxx hope u r OK and I'm always here if u want to chat xx