Family and Friends Forum

Back to square one

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Member since
October 2021

20 posts

Posted Fri October 1, 2021 6:29pmReport post

My younger Brother was arrested last year and released under investigation and last night, 18 months later, he was re arrested and interviewed again but after we were told he was going to the magistrates court in the morning he was then released once more under investigation instead. The crown court want to get more evidence apparently. I feel like we are back to square one as we were carrying on as normal and started to feel comfortable again and now our world has come crashing down again and we are back to where we were but now it feels much worse as we have been told a prison sentence is likely as distribution was involved with a large amount of all categories.

I just don't know what to do or how to feel other than complete fear and panic for not only him but my mum as he lives at home still and she will be on her own unless I move back home. I didnt accept what he had done the first time but now I think Im shocked and it has started to sink in. I cant bring myself to feel angry at him but I know he has done wrong Im just so worried and cant bare to think about him being locked away. It doesn't feel real and now he is back home until they knock again its just so confusing, I want to prepare myself but also I want to be as normal as possible and try to make him and my mum feel happy.

I can't help but think about the plans we had made in the upcoming months too and not forgetting Christmas which was hard enough last year.

I feel totally useless and guilty for not being able to say the right things to him or my mum I want to make it all go away but its out of my control and thats the worst part for me.

Bit of a ramble I know, but I just need somewhere to write all of this down x


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Fri October 1, 2021 10:53pmReport post


I am sorry u are here, I hope u r OK. Just remember to take each day at a time look after urself first and then check in on ur mum and brother. Sorry I have no other words other than take care xx


Member since
October 2021

20 posts

Posted Sat October 2, 2021 4:07pmReport post

Thank you so much xxx


Member since
October 2021

2 posts

Posted Sat October 16, 2021 9:27pmReport post

Hi, this is my first comment and had to reply as its a similar situation for me.

It's been over our heads but able to have some semblance of normality.

I'm numb I feel sick with worry, I'm scared of repercussions on me as his sister or my inlaws finding out.

It came all came out on social media and spiralled into a frenzy.

He's suicidal and my parents are worried sick. I'm worried for them, I have another sibling still living at home and I'm terrified for them as although he doesn't live there, it's the family home where we grew up so everyone knows.

I just felt like we had just got over the shock of finding out and now this. No idea how to support my parents, I feel numb and ashamed and like you say, back to square one.