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Feeling kind of empty

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Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Posted Wed March 6, 2019 5:35pmReport post


just wanted to say been feeling kind of empty inside. Not particularly because of what he has done, but the **itstorm which accompanies it. CS have a way of sucking the life out of you. They have total control, are rather hysterical in their reaction to things and then do absolutely nothing at all. I have had to send pages of corrections to the assessment done (usual thing - wrong ages of children, some bizarre stuff which isn’t true and lazy assumptions which then aren’t cross checked). Sick of doing their work for them with nothing in return.


Member since
December 2018

202 posts

Posted Wed March 6, 2019 6:56pmReport post

Hi Big Sigh, that’s not an unusual reaction. Especially pre any charge. There’s very few social workers with any specialist training in this subject, they act on their emotion rather than any rational, professional position. It’s so frustrating but in reality you probably know more than them and you’re quite early on in your journey.

As well as having to deal with the legalities of this you’re also desperately having to manage SS responses, I admit when I was practising I knew very little about it but was in such positions of power. Looking back it was pretty scandalous really, making life changing decisions based on gut reaction and from what I’d learned really from the press, with the same repeated, stock phrases. Unfortunately I thought I knew it all.

Since I’ve been at the receiving end I know so much more. I’ve shared the description of the images with former colleagues, both the defence description and the police description of the alleged images, they are shocked by both the totally different way both describe the images and the content. Most of them can’t believe that our lives have been practically destroyed because of what was found.

Keep strong. I’ve got a lot of time for LF and their approach to this. I think of you often. Try and get a copy of the book I recommended, it gave me a lot of encouragement and hope.

Jaded x


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Wed March 6, 2019 9:36pmReport post

Social services really do add to the stress. I dont mean just because they are involved but because they just make things worse. I had to make a formal complaint which i didn't really want to do but the endless mistakes, inaccurate information etc just got to much. I did recieve a formal apology which is great but it doesnt take away all the added stress they have caused. We are having to do everything again because we have a new social worker, I feel so drained going over the same stuff again and again so I know how you feel. I'm hoping the new social worker will be better, I'm happy to work with them but I'm am totally shocked at how awful they have been. They have not treated us badly and have been fair but their paper work, professionalism etc has been appalling.