Family and Friends Forum

Testing to see if I have learning difficulties

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Sun October 3, 2021 2:15pmReport post

Has anyone been tested and what does it entail?

I swear my social worker is doing everything in her power to remove my children from me. A year since the knock and I've been served with the letter to get a solicitor as they were starting proceedings to remove the children. The main reasons is they "think" my youngest has seen their dad. At the meeting they brought up maybe I was having trouble understanding how serious this all is. I understand and have no contact with my ex I ignore his calls and texts. The social worker says maybe I have a learning difficulty and need testing I spoke privately with my solicitor who asked a whole bunch of questions and told my solicitor she didn't think I had a learning difficulty nor needed testing (I did warn the solicitor that it didn't matter what we say they will have already made there minds up and I'll be tested) I can't fight the decision as it will seem I'm being difficult and none cooperative. I also have to have regular family conferences with my family to talk about supporting me (again I wanna ask why as he's done what he's done and I know who I can turn to for support and when but I just have to accept this and do it) the next meeting will involve my ex's parents which I think might get pretty heated as my brother and his wife are very opinionated and believe the social worker wants to remove my kids and give them to his parents as the social worker thinks the sun shines out of their bottom.

Sorry to go on a bit and thanks for reading.


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Sun October 3, 2021 2:30pmReport post

I have googled learning difficulties and testing but everything is for or about children x


Member since
November 2020

87 posts

Posted Sun October 3, 2021 6:20pmReport post

Not sure about any of that Rusty but you can request to change your SW if your not happy with them and they don't seem to be good at communicating well with you xx