Family and Friends Forum


Member since
October 2021

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Posted Sun October 3, 2021 5:29pmReport post

Last week my family got the 'knock.' I no longer live at that address and so I didn't have to endure the police searching the house like my mam, brother and sister did. I was told later in the day about what had happened. The police had flagged up 3 indecent images from that IP address. My dad admitted straight away that it was him and went for a voluntary interview at the station. He handed over his phone and the other devices in the house were looked at but not taken. He said that during lockdown while sat at home he downloaded Kik after someone had told him about it. He was talking to people about sex and looking at images of adults. He was added to another group and was talking in there when an indecent image came through. He told us he clicked on the image but did not do anything else with it. He then deleted the app. The police did say the app was only in use for a few weeks. He is adamant that he is telling the truth and has no interest in that sort of thing. He knows he has done wrong and is utterly heartbroken. Everyone knows the stigma with this offence. He came home from the police station after his interview without any bail conditions but we've been told the investigation could take a year. We are obviously struggling to deal with any of this but the thought of it dragging out and the not knowing is driving me insane. I'm due to get married next year and I don't know if I can go through with it with this hanging over us. We are all devestated, destroyed, a complete mess. My dad included. He can't bare the thought of what he is putting us through and it's really took a toll on his mental health. He attempted to take his life later in the week after watching his family fall apart. He said we'd be better off without him and if he wasn't here we wouldn't have to endure this any longer. He is now getting support from a mental health team. I felt so alone in this because we haven't really told anyone - how can you?? I haven't gone to work, I keep crying and feeling very angry. I've found reading your stories helpful as I don't feel so alone anymore and I just hope someone can give me advice on what to do now. Do I cut ties with my dad? Was it just a stupid mistake? What's going to happen now? How long is this going to take? Do I put my life on hold until it's over? Do I tell my friends? What's the Likilihood of this getting put in a newspaper or social media? (This is my biggest fear at the minute)

I'm really thankful to this group already just by reading what you've said has been helpful and I'd really appreciate anything that you have to say on my situation.

Edited Sun October 3, 2021 6:42pm


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Mon October 4, 2021 9:40amReport post

Hi there

So that you've found yourself in this group. Honestly you know your dad better than we do but from what he has said, it sounds like he is being truthful given that he voluntarily handed himself over and that it was a very small amount of images...

Don't put your lif entirely on hold but do take time to process... One thing I've found invaluable is focusing on me now and again - not your dad, not your family but you ... You cannot pour from an empty cup.

These things can take years and because it was a very very small amount they often push the case load rigt down to the bottom but each case is individual.

Make sure the everyone who has been affected by this takes time tosee a therapist...

As for friends and family and telling them... Be very careful. A lot of people on this forum have lost them due to ths very topic. Only tell people who you think will understand and even then... It's best to keep it very very tightly knit.

Again I'm so sorry, I'll finish with this

Your dad did a bad thing but if you reflect on your life and he seems to have been good person then he most likely still is... People make mistakes, that doesn't make them a bad person


Member since
October 2021

35 posts

Posted Mon October 4, 2021 10:09amReport post

Hi blackhound
Thanks so much for your reply I can’t describe how much I appreciate talking to someone else that is going through / has gone through this. I have never felt pain, shame, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, fear and sadness like it and it’s good to know there are others out there feeling this way too. Not that I would wish this on anyone!!

My dad has always been a very hard working man and has given me and my siblings a great life. I know I have been very lucky and I wouldn’t be where I am today without both of my parents. Which is why I’m struggling so much with this. He has always been a hero to me and my family and now suddenly over night he’s a monster. I hate what he has done and what he is putting us through but he is still my dad and is completely broken himself right now. I feel that people in this forum understand that whereas many others wouldn’t.

It’s great advice what you said about taking time for me. I’ve rang the helpline this morning to talk about the guilt I’m feeling for not being a very good partner or friend at the minute, not going to work and overall just not functioning. I realise now that this is ok and I’m seeking further help from a therapist.

Again I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. I hope you’re doing ok too.

Edited Mon October 4, 2021 10:11am

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Mon October 4, 2021 10:35amReport post

Ahhhh bless you. It really is a horrible nasty journey, and honestly we've all experienced the emotions you feel. It is a living nightmare for everyone.

My advice would be don't try to take it all on board at once, brakes on and baby steps. Hug sent x

Edited Mon October 4, 2021 10:36am


Member since
June 2021

32 posts

Posted Mon October 4, 2021 11:18amReport post

Hello Emma258

I'm so sorry you find yourself here on this group, your father does seem to be honest handing himself in saying it was him I'm sure he is telling the truth about it all!

It was my father that was under investigation for communication with a minor online turned out to be a police decoy they arrested my father at his place of work then the police officers went to my mother's place of work to tell her aswell took her home will never forget that day when we got the phone call, my father was insistent that he was in an open forum and this person popped up first to talk to him he didn't believe that the person he was talking to was under 18 so they siezed all electronic equipment even his work computer, his case went on for 23 months we where in limbo of not knowing what would happen, the officer in charge charged him in June but put on papers recommend no prosucution as nothing else was found anywhere just that one conversation that wasn't even a paragraph long, anyway when he was due to go to court the solicitor rang the day before to say everything has been dropped thank god, ????! I just hope you are alright it will get easier but will always be in the background I'm sure you know your daddy better than anyone take care XXX


Member since
October 2021

35 posts

Posted Mon October 4, 2021 4:52pmReport post

Thank you both for your comments - smile through tears and worried daughter.

I’m so glad your dads case was dropped, I can only hope and pray ours goes a similar way. It’s just the not knowing isn’t it. 23 months seems ridiculous to put families through pure hell and I’ve seen some poor families where it has taken even longer. I understand investigations take time but to live like this for years seems so unfair. Did you believe your dad straight away? Did you continue to have a ‘normal’ relationship with him?

thanks again everyone x


Member since
June 2021

32 posts

Posted Mon October 4, 2021 9:20pmReport post

Hey Emma258

At the start I was just so shocked didn't know what to think I have children so social services had to be involved but they dropped the case very quickly thank god, I had an awful lot of anger at the start towards my father had all the motions hated him for doing this to our family, felt sorry for him an awful lot too, knew he wasn't a bad father! hard working and done everything for his family like you wrote about your daddy! I just asked him outright will they find anything else on computer s he was adamant that they wouldn't so did believe him then and thank god he was telling the truth, I hope your case gets resolved quicker than ours and hope your daddy is getting the help he needs aswell xxx

Edited Mon October 4, 2021 9:22pm


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Tue October 5, 2021 12:28amReport post

We're all in the same boat Emma so it makes sense for us to help each other out.

A ship doesn't sail well with just one person Manning it ! Lean on us in the forum however many time you like...

One thing I am trying to do is allow myself time during the week to address the forum and my though and then continuing on with my life...

It's gonna be really tricky and difficult but I'm very happy to hear you've started to focus on you for a while... That's is going to help you in spades later on down the line .

As for mw, I'm fine thank you. I have bigger problems than the investigation that keep my brain busy everyday... Which sounds bad but I call them bigger as they're personal to me... Because I'm focusing on me first. I'm totally scared of what's to happen but I cannot control that.

You'll get there Emma !

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Tue October 5, 2021 5:00amReport post

Post deleted by user

Edited Tue October 5, 2021 1:57pm


Member since
October 2021

35 posts

Posted Wed October 6, 2021 5:46pmReport post

Thanks so much blackhound.

I'm really sorry to hear you have more problems to deal with as well as this. You seem so strong and it's given me hope that I can get there too!


Member since
October 2021

35 posts

Posted Wed October 6, 2021 5:46pmReport post

Thanks so much blackhound.

I'm really sorry to hear you have more problems to deal with as well as this. You seem so strong and it's given me hope that I can get there too!