Family and Friends Forum

Crown Court in 2 weeks

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Member since
March 2021

150 posts

Posted Tue October 5, 2021 2:42pmReport post

Husband is due in court for sentencing in a little over 2 weeks, we still don't know if the CPS will revert back to their original charge or stick to their guns, in which case it will be a trial with a jury, and custodial sentence.

He has a meeting with probation officer next week, I'm hoping they will be able to give us more information, as we haven't heard from barrister yet.

My sleep is really starting to suffer again and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate at work. I just keep thinking that in 3 weeks time I could be in the house on my own, while husband is in prison. I'm so so scared but have to think positively.

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Tue October 5, 2021 2:59pmReport post


Im not able to offer any support just want to say I'm with you. Two weeks today our case is at crown court for sentencing.

The nightmares are starting and my sleep is so broken also. I hope you have some people I'm your life to support you.

Sending lots of hugs your way.


Member since
May 2019

16 posts

Posted Tue October 5, 2021 3:44pmReport post

MW, my heart is with you, we are now thankfully over the worst, I've returned to work, he returns on Saturday, it hasn't been an easy time by any means, facing people in my place of work in our local shop after the press printed was so difficult but I've proved to myself just how strong I can be in times of turmoil.
I really hope you get some rest/peace and sleep, your comments on my posts helped me immensely when I was struggling and I really wish I could help you more.
You have done nothing wrong. Always remember that. My thoughts are with you.


Member since
March 2021

150 posts

Posted Tue October 5, 2021 11:24pmReport post

Sarah - thank you. I have my daughters and mother in law for support, I've had to step away from my family as they were causing so much more stress and anguish.

Lee1969 - I'm already on a cocktail of meds, one being mirtazipine for sleep but my head feels like it's full of absolutely everything and nothing at the same time. I will push solicitor for a meeting with the barrister, if I knew what charges he is definitely facing I can prepare myself.

Staffy - you have also helped me through this. Our stories have been similar and I'm so glad you are on the other end of it all now. Hoping everything settles down quickly for you and you can start re-buulding your life xx

Edited Tue October 5, 2021 11:26pm