Family and Friends Forum

Ex husband abuse

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Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Posted Wed October 6, 2021 10:19amReport post

So I've just found out my ex husband was sexualy abused at the age of 5, and I know that people that have been abused sometimes go on to do this crime, but I genuinely don't understand that, so he knows the pain of abuse so why would he be turned on by other children being abuse, he's been through the pain thay are going through. I don't get it? Can anyone on here explain why?


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Wed October 6, 2021 11:28amReport post

As children we know nothing about love or sex only what we are shown or taught and so trauma like this teaches you in a very bad way what sex and love means and for men from an early age are taught not to do emotions etc so bottle up.

Well said Lee... Men are taught that bottling up emotions is absolutely the right thing to do and that they need to be the strong man... So they find other ways to dispell their feelings...

My husband was as a teenage taught by another teenager 3/4 years his senior (he was around 13/14) that sending images videos and touching were okay, even if you're a little uncomfortable with it. The lines are so blurred that it almost became normal to do those thing in secret.

Little boys start to develop sexually around 8-9 whereas little girls start to from around 6-7 so from an early age woman have a head start at understanding these things.

It's not as black and white as that he's had something done to him so he won't then go and do it to another person. Emotions are complex things so thinking of it as simply as that can be a lead to conclusions or thoughts that don't necessarily help anyone's situations. Keep seeing the therapist and hopefully you can discovers why...

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Wed October 6, 2021 12:42pmReport post

I think also being mixed up with your sexuality 'can' lead you down this path.

Edited Wed October 6, 2021 12:44pm


Member since
July 2021

37 posts

Posted Wed October 6, 2021 1:19pmReport post

It's definitely worth doing some reading of books about male sex offenders, addictions and also on trauma and the brain. It can help to identify why others have ended up doing the things they have done. Then of course they can get the help they need. I'm feeling that a forensic Pyschologist maybe needed at the start of the process and then again if that person has started getting help and pre sentence. No idea if I am right but thinking for us this maybe a way forward.


Member since
December 2018

85 posts

Posted Wed October 6, 2021 2:02pmReport post

Smile through tears

I agree with you as my son told us he was gay after we had the knock for images


Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Posted Wed October 6, 2021 7:33pmReport post

Thank you everyone for taking time to answer my post, I have an update, so yesterday he phoned me distressed because he had memory's of being abused by an adult when he was 5, I was so heartbroken for that little boy and what happened to him, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Today he phoned and said sorry the memory was wrong he wasn't abused by an adult, it was him at 5 that done something to another little boy! What the hell, he made me feel sorry for him, which I haven't felt sorry for him in this whole mess because he knew what he was doing. I'm so angry.

Sorry to everyone for wasting your time.


Member since
July 2021

37 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 4:30pmReport post

Could anyone explain how a forensic psychologist can help before formal charges and court can help?

Thank you


Member since
July 2021

37 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 6:15pmReport post

To really suss out the make up of the person whose involved in the legal process to ascertain the mental health issues that need addressing that lead to the offences. If this makes sense. There are no family children involved so no ss.



Member since
July 2021

37 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 6:36pmReport post

We know what the person has done whatever the charges so this is to try to understand from the legal side the perceived risk as well as from the personal side to then look at the best treatment.



Member since
June 2021

76 posts

Posted Sat October 30, 2021 10:59pmReport post

Hey ..

My oh wrote me a letter wk after the knock 5 months ago

He told me he had been abused aged 4 at a church playgroup (60's) .

Then by a family member aged 9

I've since been told by him who the family member was /is and I'm total shock..

He says he has no empathy and the reasons fur doing what he has is why should he be the only one to suffer !

Im shocked he has done this before and had a custodial sentence which I never knew ..

He says he's broken yet the family member who has broken him by abusing him is his sister and they are very close.. as was I with her before I knew

I was raped aged 12 he knew all my issues had been there fur me

Yet he couldn't tell me his issues

5 months ago when it all kicked off he said I can't do this without you.. but I've been here 16 years why didn't you ask fir help before now ?

We are separated still in same house its awful I want to be there to help he's just saying nothing life is just bumbling along ..

Not heard anything else since he was in court week after the knock we are in Scotland.

I want him out as I don't want this at my door when it all goes to court etc ..

He was caught with idc I don't know what or how much ..

Don't want to know..

Struggle every.single day one day he's my everything blink of an eye its gone