Family and Friends Forum

Police report

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Member since
April 2021

15 posts

Posted Wed October 6, 2021 8:39pmReport post


We heard from the police today that devices have come back clean and the OIC in their report is recommending to their superiors that no further action should be taken. Has anyone had experience of the superiors going against the OIC recommendations.

bit of history , my husband was subject to live streaming 6 months ago by a vigilante group, they came to our house . He has not been living at home due to safety as we live in a small tough village and we doubt he will ever be able to live here again. We have been lucky that we don't have young children that would of had their world ripped apart for nothing. Because of the stress a couple of days after the streaming he tried to take his own life.

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

446 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 3:15pmReport post

Hello Bless,

Thank you for reaching out for some support and advice from the Family and Friends Forum. We have noticed that this post has not yet received a response from other forum users. It can be a huge shock when this happens and difficult to cope with when a family member is live streamed by a vigilante group.

I can see that you are in a difficult situation and that there is a mixture of confusing feelings due to the vigilante attack. Due to this, I would like to strongly suggest that you call our helpline (if you haven’t done so already) so that you can receive some tailored, individualised support from one of our experienced advisors. Our Stop It Now! helpline is confidential and anonymous and offers support to individuals in a similar situation to yourself every day (0808 1000 900).

I hope that, in the meantime, you receive some replies form other forum users soon.

I hope this has been helpful.

Take care,


Edited Mon October 25, 2021 3:16pm