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Pressure from work

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Struggling since July 2021

Member since
July 2021

22 posts

Posted Thu October 7, 2021 4:01pmReport post

My partners work are pressurising him to resign. He was suspended from work after his arrest back in July. He's been off sick ever since.

He was rui, (conversation with another adult regarding child) HR are treating him as guilty, a risk to the public and cannot return to work without a disciplinary hearing.

He is a broken man, the impact this has had on everyone around him is immense. He really doesn't need more stress from his employers.

They are concerned about media coverage and impact on company.

I am concerned about his health.

How do the papers get the stories, is it only if it goes to Court?

Struggling since July 2021

Member since
July 2021

22 posts

Posted Thu October 7, 2021 4:19pmReport post

Thankyou Lee1969.

He's more or less been told resign or be fired, Iit probably does state something in his contract but I just think its unfair when he hasn't been charged with anything.

How do these vigilantes/people find out to then report/ live stream. I'm finding it more confusing.

Struggling since July 2021

Member since
July 2021

22 posts

Posted Thu October 7, 2021 4:37pmReport post

Thankyou so much. You are so helpful.

Your advice and support to so many people is fantastic. I am truly grateful. Xx


Member since
May 2021

98 posts

Posted Sun October 10, 2021 9:52pmReport post

Hi remember that if he has been with the employer for more than two years he will have employment rights, you may find it useful to speak to acas around imploy ent issues if that's the case

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Mon October 11, 2021 4:34amReport post

I was 'paid off' to resign. Gutting at the time but it worked out well for me, I got a job immediately after which was completely different and I love it. Plus of course the payment.

They too were worried it being in the press and so it did big time. I couldn't have faced the gossip and pointing fingers - so it really was for the best in my case.


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Mon October 11, 2021 12:40pmReport post

Hi smile

Was this before the law changed where you could be dismissed by association? The original post is in regards to someone's partner but I just wanted others to know on the forum that no one should experience being pushed out of a job because of someone else. Tho I guess if the work environment becomes too toxic it may be the best to move on.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Mon October 11, 2021 1:28pmReport post

You are correct. I could have fought my case but as I worked with children at the time it seemed impossible to carry on even though I was of course, innocent .

Edited Mon October 11, 2021 1:31pm

Struggling since July 2021

Member since
July 2021

22 posts

Posted Fri October 15, 2021 10:20pmReport post

Thankyou all for taking the time to comment. It is the thought of gossip and finger pointing that concerns me. We have no idea what the future holds but the longer he is off "sick" the more questions asked. He is struggling and unable to work but as far as we are aware non of his work colleagues know the real reason.

Thanx for the support. ????


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Sat October 16, 2021 9:16pmReport post

My ex has been on the sick from work after being suspended without pay. He won't be back at his job once it's all over as the way police have said he's admitted to everything and will be charged. I know the company won't have him back and my friends and family agree with the company decision. I understand but I've now been left with the mortgage, children and the bills and no financial help. I hope it works out for u x